Quotes of and Prayer to Saint Joseph Cafasso, Patron Saint of Prisoners



Today, June 23, the Catholic Church celebrates the memory of St. Joseph Cafasso, a Saint whose pupils included St. John Bosco.

Newsdesk (23/06/2021 11:59, Gaudium Press) Born in Italy in 1811, Joseph Cafasso studied theology in Turin and was ordained a priest at the age of 22. After completion of his studies he became a teacher and among his illustrious pupils was the future Saint John Bosco, who would one day be the Founder of the Salesian Order.

St. Joseph Cafasso dedicated his life to contemplation and to hearing the confessions of the faithful. Visiting jails and prisons, the holy priest attended to confessions of criminals, presenting to them the Divine mercy and consoling those repentant sinners.

On account of his numerous visits to prisoners, and of frequently being the last companion of those who were to be executed, he received the title of Patron Saint of prisoners and those condemned to capital punishment. On June 23, 1860, St Joseph Cafasso delivered his soul to God. He was canonized in 1957.

Quotes of St Joseph Cafasso

“If a priest is not chaste, he is worth nothing, neither for himself nor for others”.

“Seek the world, if you will: vanity, pleasures, and earthly greatness; I neither seek nor long for anything else but to sanctify myself.”

“He who embraces the ecclesiastical state gives himself to the Lord, and nothing of the world should interest him so much as that which may result in greater glory to Him and profit to souls.”

“The day when people will be able to say: ‘The priest is like me, our parish priest, my confessor, is like me…’. Preach, shout, cry if you wish, but the example is worth more than all the logic of the world.”

“If we have offended the Lord, let us not increase grief upon grief, doubting His forgiveness; if we have reviled His holiness and justice, let us at least honor His mercy; and while the whole world sings of His goodness, would our heart be the only one hesitating to pay Him this praise?”

“All the holiness, perfection, and profit of a person are found in the act of perfectly doing the will of God.”

“We are born to love, we live to love, and we die to love still more.”

“To will what God wills; to will it in the way, the time and the circumstances that He wills, and to will all this not for other reasons, but only because God wills it so.”


Prayer to St. Joseph Cafasso

God, our Father, through the intercession of St. Joseph Cafasso, teach us kindness, joy, and good humour, because a kind, cheerful and happy face has divine power that lifts the spirits of those who are downcast and is worth more than a thousand counsels and instructions. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (EPC)

The post Quotes and Prayer to St. Joseph Cafasso, Patron Saint of the imprisoned, appeared first on Gaudium Press.

Read More: Spirituality, Quotes of St. Joseph Cafasso, Prayer to St. Joseph Cafasso, Saint of the Day, Saint of the Day June 23, SAINT JOHN BOSCO, St. Joseph Cafasso, LIFE OF THE Saints Gaudium PressThe post Phrases and prayers to St. Joseph Cafasso, patron saint of prisoners appeared first on Gaudium Press.Read MoreSpirituality, Phrases of St. Joseph Cafasso, Prayer to St. Joseph Cafasso, Saint of the Day, Saint of the Day June 23, SAINT JOHN BOSCO, St. Joseph Cafasso, LIFE OF THE SaintsGaudium Press

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