Rain of roses at the Pantheon in Rome


On the day of Pentecost, rose petals are thrown through the central opening (oculus) of the Basilica dome, symbolizing the tongues of fire at the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Our Lady and the apostles.

Photo: JamesLucasIT/ facebook

Newsroom (28/05/2023 18:34, Gaudium Press)

On the day of Pentecost, which is a feast commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Our Lady and the Apostles, a tradition takes place at the Basilica of Sancta Maria ad Martyres, commonly known as the Pantheon in Rome. After the celebration of Holy Mass, 12 bags of petals are thrown from the vault of the basilica. This year, the Mass was presided over by Cardinal Sean Patrick Cardinal O’Malley.

This ancient papal tradition, dating back 2000 years, had been suspended in past centuries but was resumed in 1995.

One peculiar aspect of the Mass celebration is that it is predominantly sung and recited in Aramaic, with the Our Father prayer being particularly emphasized. Additionally, passages from the Gospels are read in various languages. As a symbol of peace, 12 children of different ethnicities participate in the ceremony by distributing roses to the attendees.

Approximately 2,000 red roses are used for decorative purposes, while a remarkable seven million petals are carried by firefighters from the top of the dome, which stands about 43 meters high. The petals are then thrown through the oculus, also known as the “eye of heaven,” which is the central opening in the dome.

These flowers hold significant symbolic value. According to early Christians in Rome, the red roses represent the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church, particularly the tongues of fire. They also symbolize the blood shed by Christ for the redemption of humankind.

The rain of roses falls upon the heads of the numerous faithful present during the ceremony.

The post Rain of roses at the Pantheon in Rome appeared first on Gaudium Press.

On the day of Pentecost, rose petals are thrown through the central opening (oculus) of the Basilica’s dome, symbolizing the tongues of fire at the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Our Lady and the apostles. Redaction (28/05/2023 18:34, Gaudium Press) On Pentecost, the feast commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Our Lady… View article
The post Rain of roses at the Pantheon in Rome appeared first on Gaudium Press.Read MoreWorld, Rain of roses, HOLY SPIRIT, Pantheon, PENTECOSTES, Rose petalsGaudium Press

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