Reflecting on the Five Centuries of the Church in Mexico


An event is planned for Mexico that aims to propose reflections and analysis on the role of the Catholic Church and all of those acting within it during the Conquest, Evangelization, and the quest for national independence.

Newsroom (04/08/2021 22:00, (Gaudium Press) Between 18-22 October, 2021, the Congress of the “Five Centuries of the Catholic Church in Mexico”, promoted by the Mexican Episcopal Conference (CEM), will take place in Mexico.

Reflection on the role of the Catholic Church in the history of Mexico

Offering free registration for those interested, the initiative will take place virtually, proposing reflections and analysis on the role of the Catholic Church and all of those acting within it during the Conquest, Evangelization, and the quest for national independence.

According to the event’s website, “Given the importance of these processes, the Mexican Episcopal Conference considers it essential to reflect critically on this complex structure”.

Summoning 35 renowned historians from the country and other nations

To assist in the achievement of this objective, 35 renowned historians from Mexico and other nations have been invited – those who will be in charge of giving new interpretations and of making new considerations on these themes.

The Secretary General of the CEM, Bishop Alfonso Miranda Guardiola, stated that through this Congress he wishes to, “open a great space for Mexico and invite the whole world to participate so that we can reflect together, share research, criticism, dialogue, knowledge, and diffusion”. (EPC)

Compiled by Sandra Chisholm



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