Rosary of Men is Promoted in Bolivia, Colombia And Ecuador

Rosary of Men is Promoted in Bolivia, Colombia And Ecuador

Among the intentions of the prayers were: the defense of the family, of masculinity, and for the destiny of the nation.

Photo: Cathopic/César Retana-Salesianos de Don Bosco.

Newsroom (24/06/2022 5:00 PM, Gaudium Press) Last weekend thousands of men united to recite the Holy Rosary in different cities of Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia. Among the intentions were: the defense of the family, of masculinity and for the destiny of the nation.


In Bolivia, the Men’s Rosary was promoted by the Platform for Life and Family and the Bolivian Lay Council. Gathered in the atriums of all the cathedrals, the men prayed asking the intercession of Our Lady “To defend the family, today attacked by so many ideologies.


In Colombia, men gathered in Plaza de Bolivar in Bogota and in other important cities of the country such as Medellin, Barranquilla, Cali and Cúcuta. On the agenda were the presidential elections, which took place last Sunday.


Finally, in Ecuador, the Men’s Rosary, promoted by Ecuador Provida, took place in cities such as Quito, Guayaquil, Portoviejo, Cuenca and Machala. In their prayers, men asked for the defense of masculinity and for the beginning of Family Week 2022. According to the organizers, through this initiative they sought to reinforce the vital role that men must play in their homes and in their country. (EPC)

Compiled by Teresa Joseph

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