Rosary unites Shrines in Lourdes, Guadalupe, Rome and the Holy Land


The initiative is intended to pray for the end of the pandemic, for the sick and deceased by Covid-19, as well as to pray for world peace and for the intentions of Pope Francis.

Newsroom (October 10, 2021 1:10 PM Gaudium Press) As the Church celebrated the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, the Shrines of Our Lady of Lourdes (France), Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexico), Santa Maria Maggiore (Rome) and Magdala (Holy Land), have united to pray the Holy Rosary.

Program of the Shrines

The prayer day began at 9:15 in Mexico City with the recitation of the Holy Rosary, presided by Father Mauricio Elías from the grotto of Lourdes, France. At 11am, Ana Paula Morales recited the Marian prayer from the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico.

Simultaneously, Kathleen Nichols from the Shrine of Magdala, the land of St. Mary Magdalene, and Michaela Weimann from the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome will participate in the celebration.

Intentions of the Day of Prayer

The intention of the initiative is to pray for the end of the pandemic, for the sick and deceased by Covid-19, as well as to pray for world peace and for the intentions of Pope Francis. Catholics interested in participating in these days of prayer of the Holy Rosary can do so through the social networks of, Zenit and Terra Santa Mexico. (EPC)

Compiled by Zephania Gangl

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