Saint Eliseus: Transmission of a Spirit

Saint Eliseus: Transmission of a Spirit

St. Eliseus, prophet and father of the Order of Carmel, successor of St. Elias. Having received the spirit of Elias, Eliseus was able to direct the incipient Order of Carmel.


Newsroom (17/06/2022 11:30 AM, Gaudium Press) In the Heavenly symphony intoned by the saints of the Order of Carmel, the voice of St. Eliseus, Prophet, disciple and successor of St. Elias, stands out. It is the voice of faithfulness, continuity, unconditionality; it is the voice of complete union with the one whom God has given to him as guide, lord and master, and from whom he inherited, as his most precious legacy, a fervent devotion to the future Mother of the Incarnate Word, Mary Most Holy.

Elias, at the moment of leaving Earth, passed Eliseus a mantle, symbolizing with this gesture that he was transmitting his spirit to him.

Having received the spirit of Elias, Eliseus was able to direct the incipient Order of Carmel.

This transmission shows well the importance of the grace that is called “a spirit”.

When we speak of a Jesuit, Carmelite, Benedictine spirit, we are not referring to merely doctrinal realities, but to graces that are communicated from person to person, in order to form the great families of souls that exist in the Catholic Church. They are graces susceptible of a transmission, and it is this transmission that constitutes properly the family of souls.

Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira

Text extracted from conferences.

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