Saint Expedite, Patron Saint of Urgent Causes


So often we experience situations that need urgent, quick and definitive solutions. We have ready at our assistance a soldier who intercedes for us before the Lord our God.

Newsroom (20/04/2021 09:00, Gaudium Press) Catholic iconography shows St. Expedite as a young man dressed in the garb of a Roman soldier, wearing armor, tunic and a red cloak. In his hands he holds a cross on which one can read the Latin word: ‘Hodie’, which means “today”.

Story of St. Expedite: Meaning of Hodie and Crás

The story goes that Expedite received the grace to know and give himself to Jesus Christ while serving in a high military post of the Roman army.

Having taken the definitive resolution to convert to the Catholic Faith, the devil appeared to him in the form of a raven, crying “crás! crás!“. These were words that the young man understood, meaning: “tomorrow! tomorrow!”. And he knew what the devil meant by that: Leave your conversion until tomorrow!

Expedite quickly showed the devil the Cross and exclaimed loudly: “Today!” The evil one could not bear this sudden and affirmative gesture: the temptation was promptly removed and the devil was vanquished!

This explains why we see in the images of the Saint that bird, the raven, which represents evil being crushed under the feet of the Roman centurion. And it is in this way that our intercessor St. Expedite attends to our causes: promptly and quickly.

Patron of souls who desire to quickly leave the paths of sin

Expedito is also the patron of all souls who want to leave the paths of sin, of vice, of discord, of anger, of envy, and of impurity.

He does not want to abandon us to the evil “crás” (tomorrow), but “hodie” (today)! He wants to abandon evil immediately! Today! And not, as the devil suggests, tomorrow! Or worse, later, later, … then never!

The date and place of birth of this Saint is unestablished by historians, but the person of Expedite existed and there is proof of his life. He was probably Armenian and was born in the small town of Methilene, where he also died as a martyr.

Fulminant Legion

Expedite belonged to a Roman legion known as the “fulminant“: a legion whose task it was to defend the Roman Empire and expel the barbarians that threatened it. Many historical and heroic facts regarding the legionaries who formed part of it have been kept, but unfortunately, little or almost nothing remains of the memory of their leaders.

It is known, however, that as a true Christian, the Holy Centurion Expedite fought with such bravery, fearlessness and holiness that his deeds was noted by all and came to the attention of the Emperor Diocletian.

This ungodly Emperor, instigated by people close to him, eventually unleashed a bloody persecution against all Christians. Out of hatred for the Faith he killed relatives, religious authorities, simple laymen and even soldiers of the Roman Legion who protected him! St. Expedite was martyred in this persecution.

Origin of the name Expedite

It is known that in the Roman Legion there were two categories of soldiers: the “expeditus”, who had more freedom of action as to armaments and command of soldiers, and the “impeditus”, who were more restricted, less active. It may be that the name of our Saint comes from this way of being and from the attributions he had in the Legion: Expeditus.

But there are those who attribute the name to his courageous personality, promptness in his actions and fidelity to the true Faith that he professed: when his attitudes were those of a true Legionary “Expeditus”.

Being a Roman citizen and a high officer in the Roman army, we can believe that it was with a sword that his martyrdom was perpetrated. His soul went to meet his Saviour on 19 April, 303, when Diocletian was Emperor of Rome.

Saint Expedite, the Saint of urgent causes

So often in our days we experience situations that need urgent, rapid and definitive solutions. We have at our side a soldier and warrior who intercedes for us before God our Lord.

Expedito, who on earth bravely fought human battles, who faced the devil himself, now, from Heaven, comes to our aid, to our help… quickly, soon, and in a light and expeditious way!

Let us trust, therefore … With faith let us ask for what we most need. Let us pray for ourselves and also not forget to pray for those who are close to us and need our prayers.

The powerful prayer of Saint Expedite

My Saint Expedite of just and urgent causes, help me in this hour of affliction and despair, intercede for me with Our Lord Jesus Christ. You who are a Holy Warrior. You who are the Saint of the afflicted. You who are the Saint of the hopeless. You who are the Saint of urgent causes. protect me, help me, give me strength, courage and serenity. Grant my request (make your request here). Help me to overcome these difficult hours, protect me from all those who can harm me. Protect my family, grant my request urgently. Give me back my peace and tranquility. I will be grateful for the rest of my life and I will carry your name to all those who have faith. Saint Expedite, pray for us. Amen.

Compiled by Sandra Chisholm

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