Saint John Baptist de la Salle: 10 Phrases on Education

Saint John Baptist de la Salle

On May 15, 1950, Pope Pius XII declared Saint John Baptist de la Salle patron saint of all educators.

Newsroom (08/04/2022 13:45 PM Gaudium Press) Saint John Baptist de la Salle was born in the French city of Reims in 1651. From his early youth, he felt the desire to work for Catholic Education in his heart.

Answering the call to religious and priestly life, he studied in Paris and took the first steps to care for and educate men in a virtuous way. His renowned holiness helped him expand the reach of his popular schools throughout France and the world.

Saint John Baptist de la Salle founded the religious congregation of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, or Lasallian Brothers, dedicated to the education, especially of the poorest. Today the Schools of the De La Salle Brothers are present in almost 80 countries around the world.

On April 7, 1719, he died in Rouen, France, and was proclaimed a Saint in 1900. On May 15, 1950, Pope Pius XII declared him the patron saint of all educators.

Phrases of Saint John Baptist de La Salle

01 – “Teachers are the voice of God, from Whom must come the words they use to make Him known to their pupils.”

02 – “Let your examples instruct your students much more than your words.”

03 – “If it is true that we have a strong need of prayer to do good, it is no less necessary for us to withdraw from sin.”

04 – “As light is necessary to the world, life to the body to preserve it, and medicine to a sick person to cure him, prayer is also necessary to a soul that wants to serve God and not let itself be corrupted by sin.”

05 – “The best thing we obtain in prayer is either the knowledge, or the love of God, or some grace that helps us to conquer one and the other.”

06 – “In chastity, you must become like the angels; both inwardly and outwardly.”

07 – “Humility should lead us to a complete resignation to God’s will, and desire what we ask of God, as much as he wants to grant us.”

08 – “Suffering silently without making it appear outwardly is a great sign of tenderness and delicacy.”

09 – “Dispose your hearts so they may be filled with zeal.”

10 – “Ingratitude displeases God the most.”

Prayer to Saint John Baptist de La Salle

O God who granted innumerable Graces to Your son, St. John de La Salle, inspiring him in the development of teaching and learning, grant to me also, through his intercession, to be always happy in my studies and learning. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (EPC)

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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