Sanctity in the Church: Theme of the First Brazilian Congress of Hagiology


Based on Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation ‘Gaudete et exsultate,’ the online event will follow the theme ” Sanctity is the most beautiful face of the Church.”

Newsroom (September 02, 2021, 17:25 PM, Gaudium Press) The first Brazilian Congress of Hagiology, which is the study of the lives of the saints, will be held between October 30 and November 1. Based on Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation ‘Gaudete et exsultate,’ the online event will follow the theme “Sanctity Is the Most Beautiful Face of the Church.”

The general outlook of the hagiology developed in Brazil

According to Fábio Tucci Farah, Secretary-General of the Brazilian Academy of Hagiology and coordinator of the congress, the purpose of the three-day event is to present the general panorama of hagiology developed in Brazil. In addition, the event will highlight some Brazilian examples of sanctity.

The congress will also deal with sanctity in the country within a broader context, focusing, especially on the pontificates of St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis. There will also be a discussion about spirituality and the path to sanctity. “It is a mosaic of themes that leads to the same place and displays the most beautiful face of the Church, in the words of Pope Francis: sanctity,” said Farah.

An invitation to all the ‘saintly and faithful people of God’

Some confirmed speakers include Father César Augusto dos Santos, the last Vice-postulator in the process of canonization of St. Joseph of Anchieta; Silvonei Protz, Director of the Department for the Portuguese Language of Vatican Radio; designer Cícero Moraes; Ives Gandra Martins, jurist and an honorary member of the Brazilian Academy of Hagiology; among others.

Recalling Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation on sanctity, Father Farah highlights that the I Brazilian Congress of Hagiology is an invitation to all the ”saintly and faithful people of God.” Online registration for the event is open and is available for free by clicking here. (EPC)




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