St. Athanasius of Alexandria: 10 Quotes Against Heresies


St Athanasius, through captivating speeches and perfect biblical arguments, defended Catholic doctrine against heresy, unmasking its errors, namely the following theological truth: Christ is truly man and truly God.

Newsroom (06/05/2022 2:30 PM, Gaudium Press) Saint Athanasius was born in Egypt in 296. His great intelligence was recognized still in his adolescence, being considered one of the most intelligent in Alexandria. In the year 325. Despite being a mere deacon, the Saint participated in the Council of Nicaea.

Through captivating speeches and perfect biblical arguments, he defended Catholic doctrine against heresy, unmasking its errors, namely the following theological truth: Christ is truly man and truly God.

Upon the death of the Bishop of Alexandria, Athanasius was chosen by the people and the clergy. The Saint governed the local Church for forty-six years. During this period, he was exiled five times by the emperor. He died at the age of seventy-seven. St Athanasius is considered a pillar of the Faith and declared a Doctor of the Church.

St. Athanasius of Alexandria’s quotes

01 – “If the world is against the truth, then I will be against the world.”

02 – “This is the Catholic Faith, and whoever does not profess it faithfully and firmly cannot be saved.”

03 – “The Saints, while living in this world, are always joyful, as if they were always celebrating Easter.”

04 – “Avoid the poison of heretics and schismatics. They are enemies of God”.

05 – “Even if Catholics faithful to Tradition are reduced to a handful, they are the true Church of Christ.”

06 – “Our enemy is the devil, who always surrounds us, trying to take away the seed of the word of God that has been placed within us.”

07 – “He who does not keep the Faith will perish forever.”

08 – “None of us judges by what he does not know, and no one is called a Saint by his learning and knowledge; but each one will be called to Judgment on these points: whether one kept the Faith and observed the commandments.”

09 – “Demons love fullness, drunkenness and bodily comfort. Fasting has great power and works glorious things. Fasting is feasting with angels.”

10 – “Let us bear in mind that the very tradition, teaching and Faith of the Catholic Church, from the beginning, given by the Lord, was preached by the Apostles and was preserved by the Saints. The Church was founded on tradition; and if anyone departs from it, they are not and should no longer be called Christians.”


O God, who have marked by your doctrine the life of St. Athanasius, grant us, through his intercession, to be faithful to the same doctrine and proclaim it in our actions. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your son, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (EPC)

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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