St. Gertrude: 10 Phrases to Love the Sacred Heart

st gertrude

Today, November 16, the Catholic Church celebrates the liturgical feast of St. Gertrude. She had visions concerning the Sacred Heart of Jesus and is considered the patron saint of mystics.

Newsroom (11/16/2021 09:53, Gaudium Press) Born in Germany on January 6, 1256, Gertrude was sent at the age of five to study in the Benedictine monastery of Helfta where she later took the religious habit.

St. Gertrude had mystical experiences with the Sacred Heart of Jesus centuries before He appeared to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. She was once able to rest her head on Jesus’ chest and hear His heartbeat.

She was the author of the five works that form the “Herald of the loving kindness of God,” commonly called “Revelations of St. Gertrude.” In them, she talks about her mystical experiences and teaches that “adversity is the spiritual alliance which seals the espousals with God.”

After going through painful illnesses that lasted ten years, Saint Gertrude gave up her soul to God on November 17, 1301, or 1302. Pope Clement XII extended the celebration of her feast day to the Universal Catholic Church.

Phrases of Saint Gertrude

01 – “Ah, Jesus, good shepherd, teach me to fear You; teach me to love You; teach me to follow You.”

02 – “I salute You, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Living and Life-giving Source of Eternal Life, Infinite Treasure of Divinity, Burning Furnace of God’s Love.”

03 – “May there be in me, Lord, by the gift of your Spirit, a prudent modesty, a wise kindness, a grave sweetness, a chaste freedom.”

04 – “Protector of my soul and my refuge in the day of solitude, defend me from all temptations, surround me with the armor of truth.”

05 – “There is no holiness without renunciation and spiritual combat. Spiritual progress need asceticism and mortification. The two gradually lead us to living in the peace and joy of the beatitudes.”

06. “To this accumulation of benefits, you have added that of giving me the most holy Virgin Mary, your Mother, as my Advocate, and of having frequently recommended me to her affection as the most faithful of spouses might recommend his beloved wife to his mother.”

07 – “Blessed be You for Your admirable wisdom, whose abundant grace made Mary’s whole life, in her body and in her soul, conform to Your dignity.”

08 – “God, my God, because you are mine, I lack nothing.”

09 – “Rejoice in You, for me, the most worthy heart and soul of the most glorious Virgin Mary, your Mother, whom you chose for this purpose with a view to the needs of my salvation, so that her maternal clemency might be accessible to me.”

10 – “O Jesus, You are immensely dear to me. Be with me always, so that my heart may remain with you and your love may persevere with me, without the possibility of separation. and my transit may be blessed by you, so that my spirit, free from the bonds of the flesh, may find immediately rest in you.”

Prayer of Saint Gertrude for the souls in Purgatory

“Eternal Father, I offer You the Most Precious Blood of Your Divine Son Jesus, in union with all the Masses that are celebrated today throughout the world for all the Holy Souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the whole Church, for those in my house and my neighbours. Amen.” (EPC)

The post History, Prayer and Phrases of Saint Gertrude appeared first on Gaudium Press.

Today, November 6, the Catholic Church celebrates the liturgical feast of St. Gertrude, seer of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and considered the patron saint of mystics.
The post History, Prayer and Phrases of Saint Gertrude appeared first on Gaudium Press.Read More Spirituality, Saint Gertrude’s Phrases, Saint Gertrude’s Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory, Saint Gertrude, Gaudium Press

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