St. Ignatius and 10 Quotes to Make You More Obedient

St. Ignatius and 10 Quotes to Make You More Obedient

St Ignatius of Loyola is the founder of the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits.He prepared and sent Jesuit missionaries to the world to evangelize, spreading Christianity to the farthest regions.

Newsroom (03/08/2022 9:45 AM Gaudium Press) Born in 1491 in Spain, Iñigo Lopez de Loyola came from a noble, wealthy Christian family. Being an excellent horseman, he chose to follow a military career. Once, during a battle, he was wounded by a cannonball, which made him stay in bed to recover.

During his recovery, not having any books of his liking to pass the time, he came across works narrating the saints’ lives. Those stories made him convert and dedicate his life to defending the Kingdom of Christ.

He founded the Society of Jesus with Saint Francis Xavier and other companions in 1534. He prepared and sent Jesuit missionaries to the world to evangelize, spreading Christianity to the farthest regions.

St Ignatius of Loyola delivered his soul to God on July 31 1556, in Rome, Italy, the date his memory is celebrated. The founder of the Society of Jesus was canonised in 1622. Pope Pius XI declared him patron saint of Spiritual Retreats.

Words of Saint Ignatius of Loyola

01 – “Pray as if everything depended on God, and work as if everything depended on you.”

02 – “I believe that the white I see is black, if the hierarchy of the Church has so determined.”

03 – “The most beautiful victory you can achieve is to overcome yourself.”

04: “Don’t speak, don’t answer, don’t meditate, don’t do anything without first thinking if that pleases God and serves as an example and edification of your neighbour.”

05 – “Find God in all things and see that all things come from above.”

06 – “Humility consists in rejoicing in everything that leads us to recognize our nothingness.”

07 – “Jesus is really fundamental. Without Him nothing would make sense!”.

08 – “Remember that the Angels do what they can to defend men from sin and God to be thus honoured.”

09 – “No one knows what God would do with us if we did not oppose so many obstacles to his grace.”

10 – “There is no tree more suitable to produce and preserve the love of God than the tree of the cross.”

Prayer of St. Ignatius of Loyola

Take, Lord, and receive

All my liberty, my memory also.

My mind and all my will

All that I have and possess, you have given me with love.

I gratefully return all the gifts you have given me to

dispose of them, Lord, according to your will.

Give me only your love, your grace.

This is enough for me; I want to ask for nothing more. Amen. (EPC)

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj


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