St. Robert Bellarmine: History, Prayer, and Ten Quotes


On 17 September, the Catholic Church celebrates the Memorial of St. Robert Bellarmine.

Newsroom (19/09/2021 22:40, Gaudium Press) St. Robert Bellarmine was born on October 4, 1542, in Montepulciano, Italy. In 1571 he joined the Society of Jesus – the Jesuits – where he studied philosophy and theology and was ordained a priest. Before being ordained to the priesthood, he was sent as a teacher and preacher to Louvain, Belgium, where he remained for ten years.

This Saint played an important role in the implementation of the Council of Trent, since he helped in the apologetic formation of the theologians and preachers responsible for the defense of the Faith. His two main works are “Catechism” and “Controversy”, and in the latter he turned his attention to the Word of God, Christ the Head of the Church, and the Supreme Pontiff.

He died on September 17, 1621, and was beatified in 1923 by Pope Pius XI. He was canonized in 1930, receiving the title of Doctor of the Church in 1931.

Quotes of Saint Robert Bellarmine:

01 – “The first great truth is now established, for a good death depends on a good life.”

02 – “Whoever finds God, finds everything; whoever loses God, loses everything.”

03 – “The fruits of prayer are these three advantages: merit, forgiveness and graces”.

04 – “The Lord’s Prayer teaches us everything we should desire, hope, and ask God for”.

05 – “O my God, give my soul the wings of a dove, that it may fly to You”.

06 – “All the gifts, all the spiritual graces which through Christ, as Head, descend into the body, pass through Mary, Who is like the pillar of that Mystical Body.”

07 – “God created me to know, love and serve Him, and to keep His most holy law.”

08 – “If you have wisdom, you understand that you were created for the glory of God and for your eternal salvation. This is your purpose, this is the centre of your soul, this is the treasure of your heart”.

09 – “In all our actions we need vigilance, especially in prayer”.

10 – “The Ten Commandments teach us everything we must do to please God, which consists in loving God above all things and our neighbour as ourselves”.

Prayer to Saint Robert Bellarmine:

O God our Father, following the example of St. Robert Bellarmine, make us love Your Word. In our difficulties, in the hopeless moments of our lives, may we know how to seek in You encouragement, strength, inspiration and light for our steps. Amen. (EPC)

Compiled by Sandra Chisholm

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