Starting November, New Translation of the French Roman Missal


Informational resources for the faithful are under development by the Belgian Francophone Interdiocesan Pastoral Liturgical Commission.

Newsroom (24/08/2021 5:07 PM, Gaudium Press) The Auxiliary Bishop of Malines-Brussels, Most Rev. Jean-Luc Hudsyn has announced that the new French translation of the Roman Missal will be used from the first Sunday of Advent in Belgium and by all French-speaking dioceses worldwide. He is responsible for the Liturgy of the Belgian Episcopal Conference.

Project started in 2001

According to the Church in Belgium Online portal, this is the result of a project launched concerning the universal Church in 2001 in Rome by the then prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, later Pope Benedict XVI.

Ratzinger had requested the revision of the various translations of the lectionary (the readings of the Holy Mass) and of the Roman Missal ( the texts of the Eucharistic Liturgy) from the Second Vatican Council and the “typical” 1970 edition published in Latin.

French translation

More than 50 years have elapsed since the French translation of the original Latin edition of the Missal was done. Based on the evolution of the language, it was necessary to carry out a revision, encompasing the work of experts, bishops and the Holy See, generating discussions visiting delicate subjects of the liturgy.

The new translation of the lectionaries has been available since 2014. The final French translation of the Missal will be available in bookstores starting October 29, and in full use by November 25. Informational resources for the faithful are under development by the Belgian Francophone Interdiocesan Pastoral Liturgical Commission.(EPC)

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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