Study Reveals that Christians are the Most Persecuted Religious Group in the World


The study looked at persecution against major religious groups, as well as other lesser-known religions and people who have no beliefs at all.

Newsroom (19/10/2021 15:50, Gaudium Press) The Pew Research Center (PRC) has released the results of its latest survey on the religious situation in 198 countries and territories around the world. Although the publication took place this year, the statistics present data based on policies and events that occurred in 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic.

The document, the 12th produced by the PRC, reveals that Christians remain the most persecuted or harassed religious group in most countries around the world, with 2019 being when the highest level of religious persecution by governments or social groups was reached in the last twelve years.

Christians suffer harassment in 153 countries

The study looked at persecution against major religious groups (Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists) as well as other lesser-known religions and people who have no beliefs.

Overall, Christians have remained the most persecuted religious group in the world since 2007, when the first edition of this study was published, suffering harassment in 153 countries. There has been a considerable increase in persecution against Christians compared to the figures 15 years ago, when they were persecuted in only 107 countries.

Religious restrictions and hostilities against religious groups

According to the report, although there has been a decrease in social hostilities, which include harassment over a person’s religious identity to violence perpetrated by religious groups or sectarian conflict and terrorism, restrictions on religion by governments have been found to be at their highest.

Egypt, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Russia have the highest levels of religious restrictions among the world’s 25 most populous countries. Also within this group, China, Egypt, Russia, Iran, and Indonesia reached the highest levels of government-induced restrictions; while India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Egypt reached the highest levels of hostilities caused by social groups. (EPC)

Compiled by Camille Mittermeier

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