Survey: More than half of the French do not believe in God


When answering the question ‘Do you believe in God?’ 51% of the French answered negatively.

Newsroom (October 2, 2021 3:00 PM, Gaudium Press) The Association of Religion Information Journalists, conducted a survey in France to measure the extent of religiosity present in the country’s population.

The result revealed that just over half of the French no longer believe in God and that religion is much more present in rural areas than in the cities. When answering the question ‘Do you believe in God?’ 51% of the French answered negatively.

Considerable increase in the number of atheists in France

Compared to the results of surveys conducted in the country in the years 2004 and 2011, when only 44% claimed not to believe in God, it is possible to note a considerable increase in atheists in the country. In the year 1947, 66% of French people guaranteed to believe in God.

It was also found that for the majority of the French population, the Covid-19 pandemic did not interfere with their religious practice and did not even bring them closer to religion. Only 9% of the respondents assured that the health crisis made them approach some religion.

Fewer and fewer people talk about religious topics within the family

Another important piece of information is that French families talk less and less about religion among themselves. Only 38% said they talk about religious topics as a family, a sharp drop compared to 2009 when the result was 58%.

In addition, there has been a reduction in the number of people who say they believe that religions “can contribute to transmitting positive values to young people.” And 79% responded that the 2019 Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral fire did not arouse any religious feelings in them.

Less Catholics 

The drop in the number of Catholics began in the 1980s. To get an idea, in 1981, 70% of the population declared themselves Catholic; now, in 2021, only 32% identify themselves with Catholicism.

More than a thousand people answered the survey online. The age bracket of the interviewees is 18 years or older. The results of the survey were released in September. (EPC)

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