Swiss Guard Receives 17 New Recruits


After intense military training and studies in diverse cultural areas, the new recruits will assume their duties in November.

Newsroom  (03/09/2021 09:42, Gaudium Press) The spokesman of the Pontifical Swiss Guard, Lieutenant Urs Breitenmoser, announced that seventeen recruits have begun their training in the Vatican.

Military Training

During the first four weeks, the young recruits will attend Italian language courses and take medical examinations while getting familiar with their new area of service. In addition, they will undergo specific military training for guard and protection duties.
In October, the recruits start training by the police of the canton of Ticino in Monteceneri. They will deepen their knowledge in psychology, legislation, firefighting, emergency rescue measures and shooting.

Solemn oath

After undergoing this training, the recruits return to the Vatican, where they begin their formal work on November 1. The solemn oath of all recruits traditionally takes place on May 6, the anniversary of the 1527 sack of Rome, when many Swiss Guards died defending the Holy Father. (EPC)

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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