Never have so many pilgrims arrived at this time of year to the capital of Galicia.
Photo: Wikipedia
Newsroom (09/08/2022 3:00 PM Gaudium Press) Cardinal D. Antonio Marto, special envoy of the Pope, presided yesterday the closing celebration of the European Youth Pilgrimage (EYP) 2022, in Santiago de Compostela. This pilgrimage took place in the framework of the Holy Year “Xacobeo” and gathered about 12,000 young people from various European countries. However, these 12,000 young people have not yet been counted.
Pilgrims who arrive in the city and who have walked or come by bicycle or horseback to the tomb of the Apostle St. James are received at the International Pilgrim Welcome Center in Santiago de Compostela.
“At that Center, which depends on the cathedral, is where we put the final stamp of the Cathedral of Santiago on the pilgrim’s credentials and where the traditional pilgrimage certificate, the well-known Compostela, is issued,” they explained.
This certificate attests that you have done at least the last 100 kilometers on foot, or the last 200 kilometers if you have done it by bicycle, of any Camino de Santiago, ending at the Cathedral of Santiago.
On Sunday, July 24, the day before the saint’s feast day, a total of 3,288 pilgrims sealed their compostela. These days are the busiest on the Camino de Santiago, with more than 2,500 pilgrims daily creating a festive atmosphere in the streets and squares of the city of Compostela.
In July alone, 67,374 compostelas were issued. The Pilgrim Welcome Center had never reached 200,000 before August. This number was reached nine days earlier than in 2019, which held the record until now. That year, pilgrim number 200,000 arrived on August 2, 21 days earlier than in 2018.
After the Spaniards, Americans do the most walking the Camino de Santiago, followed by the Germans, Portuguese, Italians, French and English. The French Way continues to be the busiest, followed by the Portuguese Way.
So, the numbers say that this Holy Year “Xacobeo 2022” could be historic, after 2020 and 2021 marked by the pandemic. 2020 closed with 54,144 pilgrims and 2021, with 178,912.
With information from
Compiled by Teresa Joseph