How The Formula of Absolution will Change for US Catholics

The Formula of Absolution will Change for US Catholics

The new prayer will likely come into use in the United States beginning in 2023, though it will not be official until it is published by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Newsroom ( 14/06/2022 11:00 AM Gaudium Press) The Catholic bishops of the United States in 2021 voted in favour of the new translation of the prayer, with 182 votes in favour, six against, and two abstentions. The Vatican’s Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments approved the translation in April 2022, according to a USCCB newsletter shared online this week.

Here’s the new approved text, with changes in bold:

God, the Father of mercies,

through the death and resurrection of his Son

has reconciled the world to himself

and poured outthe Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins;

through the ministry of the Church may God grant you pardon and peace,

and I absolve you from your sins

in the name of the Father, [sign of the cross] and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit.

And here’s what the prayer was before:

God, the Father of mercies,

through the death and resurrection of his Son

has reconciled the world to himself

and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins;

through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace,

and I absolve you from your sins

in the name of the Father, [sign of the cross] and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit.


Compiled by Raju Hasmukh



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