The Inalienable Right to Exist


When a mother decides to kill her child, she is not just extracting a cluster of cells, an amorphous mass, or a tumour from within herself; she is erasing a dream of God.

Gaudium Press English Edition

Newsdesk (30/06/2022 11:00 AM, Gaudium Press)

Last week, a news item produced strong emotions in opposing groups. After 49 years, the right to abortion is no longer valid in the United States, after the Supreme Court approved the reversal of the Roe v. Wade decision, which held that the country’s Constitution protected a woman’s full right to have an abortion. With this decision, the American country will return to the situation that existed until 1973, when it was up to each state to decide whether to ban or allow the voluntary termination of pregnancy.

American politics and justice are quite different from ours. Here we don’t have state laws regulating matters in different ways; what applies to one state applies to all. In the United States, things don’t work that way. There, each state has the autonomy to decide on matters such as this. The good news is that after the Supreme Court’s decision, headed by Missouri and Louisiana, 13 states immediately put laws banning abortion into effect, and seven more are waiting for similar laws to be enacted, which should happen in a few weeks. It is estimated that abortion will no longer be legal in at least 29 of the 50 U.S. states.

A historic victory, which shakes the structures of the pro-abortion movement, but which is still threatened by a congressional decision that could restore the protections of Roe v. Wade as federal law, something on which the “Catholic” president of the United States is betting heavily, who declared himself “shocked” by the Supreme Court’s decision and said he will “do everything in his power to protect the right of women interested in abortion to travel to a nearby state that allows abortion.”

While Missouri’s Justice and Attorney General Eric Schmitt, upon signing the law banning abortion in his state declared, “Today is a monumental day for the sanctity of life!”, President Joe Biden, dismayed, took the pro-abortion defense, declaring, “It is a sad day for the Court and for the country. Now the health and lives of the women of this nation are at risk. But, this is not over yet,” and former President Barack Obama said on Twitter that he considers the decision “an attack on the fundamental freedoms of millions.”

Pro-life or pro-death?

The pro-life movements celebrated the hard-fought and long-awaited victory, while the pro-abortion groups and a large number of women lamented the defeat, which they consider “temporary”, especially because of the support they receive from their “Catholic” pro-death president.

In the defense of the abominable practice of abortion, the most ridiculous justifications are heard: young people who will have their lives ruined, who will have to stop studying, working, living; as if there weren’t millions of mothers in the world who don’t stop doing these things because they have children.

Murder is not justified under any circumstances, and the murder of absolutely defenseless creatures is the worst of them all.

Those who approve the legalization – or decriminalization – of abortion claim that a fetus is not yet a human being and that there is no proof of the moment when the soul attaches itself to the body – this, for those who believe in the soul.

However, one only has to look at science itself to find a plethora of accounts of intrauterine life. An embryo, or fetus, is an integral human person from conception. Its organs gradually develop during the nine months of gestation, but as soon as the two original cells come together, a new life begins, and there is a soul, a spirit there.

For Thou didst form my inward parts, Thou didst knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise Thee, for Thou art fearful and wonderful. Wonderful are Thy works! Thou knowest me right well; my frame was not hidden from Thee, when I was being made in secret, intricately wrought in the depths of the earth. Thy eyes beheld my unformed substance; in Thy book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” (Ps 138:13-16)

And, I dare to say, with the conviction conferred by faith, that from conception, every person has a Guardian Angel: “For he will give his angels charge over you, to guard you in all your ways. They will hold you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone” (Ps 90:11-12).


If we consider the matter only from the material point of view, it is aggressive, it is violent, it is heinous, because of the absolute impossibility of the victim to defend themselves with the aggravating factor that the aggressor, not to use the word murderer, is the mother herself . The mother and the father, because no woman gets pregnant by herself.

There are cases, depending on the woman’s life choices, that not even she is sure about the paternity of the child, since she uses her “freedom” to have relationships with different men. However, this does not exempt the father from responsibility, because a man who has a relationship with a woman who is not his wife already becomes responsible for the child that may be generated and, even if he is not even aware of this pregnancy, he is still the father of that child.

So, even though in some cases the mother herself may not know whose child is growing in her womb, God does. And on the day of the Great Judgment, many men considered to be distinguished citizens and good people will be put to the left of the Almighty and condemned to hellfire for the children they have irresponsibly sown, and for whose murders they are as responsible as the women who have committed them.

Does legalizing abortion ease the conscience?

This is a delicate issue, but it needs to be treated with rigor and radicalism. It is a subject that does not admit half-terms, therefore, to say that one is against abortion but in favour of its decriminalization is as hypocritical as declaring to be a vegetarian and spending the weekend enjoying a barbecue. Either you are against it or you are in favour of it. You can’t be against one party and in favour of the other. How can you be against murder, but in favor of legalizing murder?

Defenders also claim that backstreet abortions expose women to the risk of death. Well, this is a risk she takes when she decides to have an abortion, whether it is clandestine or under the protection of the law. Legalizing abortion doesn’t prevent the crime, it only gives it another air, which, mistakenly, is thought to bring more comfort to the conscience of the practitioner. It won’t. Whoever kills, knows he has killed and, whether in a pigsty or in a fancy clinic, legally or illegally, the woman will forever carry the marks of the crime in her conscience, and it is a very difficult mark to erase, if erased at all.

The women themselves bear witness to this in psychiatric offices, in confessionals, and in the disorders that accompany them throughout their lives, silent on the outside but screaming in their bitter hearts.

Interference in the plane of creation

Up to this point, we have spoken only about the extinction of biological life, but now we are going to deal with the spiritual side of this offense. When a mother decides to kill her child, she is not only extracting a cluster of cells, an amorphous mass, or a tumor from within herself, she is erasing a dream of God.

By having an abortion, she is eliminating a multitude, for, by killing her child, she is also killing all her offspring, interrupting a genealogy, destroying generations that would originate from that future man or woman from whom she took away the right to be born.

Thus, by having an abortion, the woman and, as we said before, also the man who impregnated her, interfere in the Plan of Creation and change the destiny of a countless number of people, also preventing many things intended by God from happening.

The History of the world and the balance of the Universe change with each abortion. Therefore, we cannot be conniving with any form of this Dantesque practice, neither when the child has congenital malformation, nor when the mother’s life is at risk, when it is the result of a rape or when the pregnant woman is still a child, as what happened last 23rd, in Santa Catarina, Brazil, when an 11-year-old girl was submitted to a “legal” abortion, almost in the sixth month of pregnancy.

The right to exist

Life and death belong to God. This is a complete truth. Say what you want to say, mobilize presidents or presidential candidates however you want to mobilize, life and death belong to God.

The only real, legitimate and effective way for a woman not to have to resort to abortion is to respect God and herself and maintain chastity. If she considers this too heavy or an affront to her “freedom” and her “right to decide”, let her live with the fruit of her ‘right’ over her body in a responsible way, because, over the body of the child she carries in her womb, she has no right at all, because he is an individual distinct from her. He is not, as we said, a cluster of cells, an amorphous mass, a nuisance, a tumour. He is a human being with rights equal to hers and the genitor’s, and the main one of these rights is the inalienable right to exist.

By Afonso Pessoa

Compiled by Roberta MacEwan

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