The Lord is Faithful Forever


The liturgy of this 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time presents us with two promises: the first realized with the coming of the Messiah and the second, foretold by his Blessed Mother in Fatima.

Newsroom (September 7, 2021, 17:20 PM, Gaudium Press) The first reading of this Sunday’s liturgy picks up the words of the prophet Isaiah, addressed to the chosen people, encouraging and re-kindling their hope in the coming Savior:

“Take heart, do not be afraid! Behold, it is your God who comes, it is God’s reward; it is He who comes to save you” (Is 35:4).

He then consoles them, assuring them that the coming of the Messiah would be followed by mighty miracles: giving sight to the blind, opening the ears of the deaf, healing the lame, and untying the tongues of the mute (cf. Is 35:5-7). However, for millennia the advent of the Savior had been announced without these prophecies coming true. But God always keeps his promises, for as the responsorial psalm says: “The Lord is faithful forever” (Ps 145-146).

When the time came, God sent his Divine Son to Earth to save humans from their sins.  He came bringing the fulfillment of these promises, as we read in today’s Gospel when Our Lord heals the deaf-mute by touching his ears and his tongue (Mk 7:31-37).

However, of those who benefited, either by witnessing or being the object of these miracles, not one of them stood up on Calvary to defend the Divine Master suffering the terrible torments of the cross. Not one of them was able to be grateful to the Good Shepherd. Under the circumstances, they had to fight back with outrage and attack the enemies who were punishing Him with atrocious physical and moral sufferings.

Why? Because the eyes and ears of their souls were closed to God’s action.

The prophecies of Fatima

Today, more than ever, humanity is witnessing a panorama of chaos, disasters, and horrors, as events are showing. The loss of faith and the distance from all virtue demonstrate that society is blind and deaf to the manifestations of God. He does not prevent these climatic and social disasters, as a warning sign to the world, for following erroneous paths.

Is there, then, a promise like in the Old Testament, which God assures us to fulfill in these times?

Yes! God has revealed Himself, not only through the saints but through His Blessed Mother, who prophesied at Fatima: “God wishes to establish in the world the devotion to my Immaculate Heart. [If you fulfill what I tell you, many souls will be saved, and you will have peace. [Otherwise] When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that it is the great sign that God will punish the world for its crimes. […] Several nations will be annihilated.[1]

“The Lord is faithful forever” says the psalm…; He will fulfill his promises, also in our day. It remains for us to open our eyes and our ears to the way of Our Lord, through the intercession of his Mother, Mary Most Holy, to participate in the great day when at last, her “Immaculate Heart will triumph.”[2]

By Guilherme Motta

Compiled by Ena Alfaro

[1] KONDOR, Luis. Memorias de la hermana Lucía. ed. 10. Fatima: Almondina, 2008, v. I, p. 208.

[2] Ibid.

Spirituality, Commentaries on the Liturgy for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, The Lord is faithful forever, Gaudium Press, Catholic News, Our Lady of Fatima, prophecies of Fatima, My Immaculate Heart will triumph, warning signs to the world, coming of the Messiah, chaos, Old Testament, Psalms,


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