The Message of Fatima: Marian Devotion, Prophecy, and the Call for Conversion

lady with a church building

The apparitions of Fatima open our eyes to a serious and tragic reality: they reveal the offenses suffered by the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and the catastrophic consequences of such a situation for humanity.

Editorial (05/13/2024 09:54, Gaudium Press) The current climate of tension and widespread discontent around the world can be seen as the result of impiety and moral corruption, which in turn leads to the great “challenges of the world: materialism, relativism, secularism”. We are experiencing a clash of multiple disorders. An immense oppression weighs on us, and it is futile to try to disguise the gravity of the present moment.

The apparitions of Fatima open our eyes to a serious and tragic reality: they reveal the offenses suffered by the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and the catastrophic consequences of such a situation for humanity. Because of this, Fatima calls the faithful to live in a state of seriousness and deep reflection, we might even say compunction.

To the shepherd children, Our Lady demonstrated her very clear prophecy, not only by predicting future events, but primarily by showing the world the only way to avoid a debacle. In Fatima, the Most Holy Mary places modern man at a major crossroads: conversion or the ruin of the current neo-paganized society.

However, many erroneously think that we find ourselves in a sort of dead-end. This is not true, as Our Lady points us towards a solution. The choice she presents is not between war and peace, but as the Virgin Mary said in Fatima, “Choose virtue! Choose Faith! Believe what I have said, amend your ways!”

To get to the point, let’s analyze what is highest in human society: the Holy Catholic Apostolic Roman Church, a divine institution founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ during His earthly mission, and the repository of all the heavenly treasures that men need to be saved. What is the situation of the Church today? We cannot help but smile at those who naively tell us it is good! The situation for the Church is only good when culture, laws, institutions, and domestic life conform to the Law of God. And this is not happening currently. Nothing is more evident.

Message spread, but not put into practice

Without delving into the widespread dissemination of Our Lady’s message in the apparitions of Fatima, considering most men, unfortunately, there has not been a true response to Her requests on a fundamental point: a change in behavior, nor the amendment of life and customs. Humanity is not willing to beat its breast and make an act of humility, admitting its errors and sins.

Thus, the state of mind that Our Lady hoped to instill in the entire Catholic world, of seriousness and combativeness against the sins of the century for the regeneration of the world, has been forgotten due to a chronic superficiality that closes spirits to all that is sublime, elevated, and noble, like the prophecies of Fatima.

Although proclaimed in many parts of the globe, it can be said that the message conveyed to the shepherd children is the most forgotten. It is the oblivion of a very well-known fact, brilliant, admitted by all and witnessed by thousands. This oblivion is not just a distraction without guilt, but the drowsiness, indifference, and refusal of those who do not want to give up the sinful comfort that today’s atheistic world offers, in order to commit to the practice of virtues and commandments.

With this, a shift in society towards true conversion is becoming less likely. And as we move towards the climax of moral degradation, the realization of the punishments prophesied by Our Lady becomes more likely as well.

Need to fervent devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Having entered more than two decades into the 21st century, how to favor the conversion of sinners and hasten the blessed dawn of the Reign of Mary? Our Lady indicates to us: to fervently devote ourselves to her Immaculate Heart, in prayer and penance.

The Virgin of Fatima insisted, in a very special way, on the devotion to her Immaculate Heart. She referred to her Heart, throughout the apparitions, more than seven times. The theological value – already so proven – of the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary finds in Fatima a precious and impressive corroboration.

Those who wish to take the revelations of Fatima seriously should therefore increase their devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and consider it as one of the highest and healthiest progressions in a life of piety.

Someone, however, might ask: what good is it if only a few people practice such devotion? Will the world convert because of this? Can punishment be avoided? The answer lies in the words of Our Lady to Sister Lucia when she showed her her Heart surrounded by thorns: “You at least try to console me.” We should strive to be these consoling children of Most Holy Mary!

A voice capable of awakening confidence

Having made these reflections, our spirit dwells on the final perspectives of the message of Fatima. For Catholics who ardently await God’s intervention in our very difficult and confused days, this message is conditional, for it carries a maternal warning, at the same time promising a reward if it is heard and put into practice by humanity. Thus, “for those who have faith, from the depths of this dirtily confused and murky horizon, a voice capable of awakening the most encouraging confidence can be heard: ‘In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!’ What confidence can we place in this voice? The answer, which She herself gives, fits in a single sentence: ‘I am from Heaven.’ There are, therefore, reasons to hope. What to hope for? The aid of Providence to any work carried out with clarity, rigor, and method, to ward off from the world the threats that, like so many swords of Damocles, hang over men.”

Therefore, beyond the affliction and the likely punishments we are headed towards, we have before us the first sacred rays of the dawn of the Kingdom of Mary, which will undoubtedly be the victory of the maternal and royal Heart of the Virgin Mary. This is a majestic promise carrying peace, enthusiasm, and light!

Saint Louis de Montfort encourages the faithful in the wait for the coming of this Kingdom of Mary. In the “Treatise on the True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin,” the French saint exclaims with the ardor and deep faith that characterized him: “Ah! When will this happy time come when Mary will be established Lady and Sovereign in hearts, to fully submit them to the empire of her great and unique Jesus? When will the day come when souls will breathe Mary, as the body breathes air?”

There is no doubt that in this future forecast, still distant for Saint Louis de Montfort himself, there is a close connection with the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary announced by Our Lady at Fatima. In these happy times, the Most Holy Virgin will establish her empire in souls, institutions, nations, and across the globe.

The Chosen of Our Lady

Because the modern world is flooded with crimes and sins, signifying a period of trial for genuine Catholics, someone might forget that Divine Providence, in its care for men, will raise in the Church fervent and firm souls in faith, to whom it will reveal its designs in some way and use them to promote its victory.

Who will these chosen ones of Our Lady be? According to our analysis, we understand that they will group into a remarkable minority, coming from all corners of the earth. Each, according to the wise will of Most Holy Mary, will be rewarded with admirable graces to overcome arduous barriers, and might sometimes judge to have completely failed. But, if they trust until the end, they will have the joy of witnessing with their own eyes the glorious beginning of the Marian era that will not delay.

Saint Louis de Montfort also foresees them in his “Fiery Prayer”: “It is a congregation, an assembly, a choice, a selection of predestined ones that you must make in the world and from the world: ‘I have chosen you from the world’ (John 15:19). It is a flock of peaceful lambs that you must gather among so many wolves; a company of chaste doves and royal eagles among so many crows; a swarm of hardworking bees among so many drones; a herd of agile deer among so many turtles; a battalion of fearless lions among so many timid hares. Ah! Lord: ‘congregate us from the nations’ (Psalm 105:47). Gather us, unite us, so that all glory may be rendered to your holy and mighty name.”

These can be compared to the water that, at the desire of Our Lady expressed to her Divine Son, is turned into wine at the Wedding at Cana. They are souls that, in themselves, have only the value of water. However, having been looked upon by Most Holy Mary, Our Lord will transform them into precious wine, with the best graces and favors that He has left for this Marian era.

A new miracle of Cana

Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira takes this biblical episode and makes an interesting analogy from some well-known details of the fact:

“First, a crisis: the wine ran out. Thus, a situation of distress and anguish was established for the homeowner. Behold, Our Lady notices the occurrence, intervenes, and asks for the help of Our Lord.

“The Divine Master, after an apparent refusal, since his hour had not yet come, heeds the plea of Most Holy Mary and performs the stupendous miracle of turning water into wine. Our Lady, who obtains all, achieves from Our Lord a miracle as if premature.

“The Gospel scene well represents the current moment that humanity is experiencing. Indeed, are we not also in a situation of anguish? Can it not be said that today’s man is like the guests at that feast? He lacks the generous wine of virtue and faith, which he foolishly squandered, devastated, and ultimately refused.

“In this crisis situation, Our Lady says to her Divine Son: ‘They have no wine; they have no your Most Precious Blood; they lack the graces in the desired superabundance to convert and change their situation.’ And Our Lord responds to Her, angered with men: ‘What is there in common between us, on the one hand, and them on the other? My hour has not yet come.’

“However, just as at the Wedding at Cana, Our Lady said with her immaculate serenity to the servants to do whatever Our Lord commanded them, and He ended up turning water into wine, transforming a common and trivial liquid into a wonderful wine, the best drink of the feast, the same will happen with the contemporary world, an old, worn, torn world, where the decay of pagan nations adds to the corruption of neo-pagan nations. Yet, through the omnipotent supplications of the Virgin Most Holy there will be a transmutation, a ‘grand retour,’ a vast return of repentant souls to the eternal values of the Catholic Faith. Then, the water will turn into excellent wine, the best in history, transforming into the Kingdom of Mary.”

Certainty of Mary’s victory!

All human progress, historical events prove it, is based and founded on the fidelity of souls to God, Our Lord, their close union with Him, and from this in turn, the full and splendid harmony of relations among men arises. For this reason, the kingdom that will come will bear as fruit the peace that great institutions have never managed to achieve, having removed God from the center of their considerations. Peace! True peace is the peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ.

And it is not without reason that Saint Louis de Montfort asks the Lord: “May your kingdom come, may the kingdom of Mary come.” For She, as the Mother of the King, can be nothing but Queen, as seen in the pen of the Mellifluous Doctor, singing the honors of sovereignty that She received when ascending to the Heavens: “Is there anyone capable of imagining the glory that envelops today the Queen of the world, the enthusiasm with which all the celestial legions come out to meet Her, the songs with which They accompany Her to her glorious throne? With what affable countenance, with what tender gaze, and with what divine embraces Her Son receives Her! She is exalted above all creation, with the honor worthy of such a Mother and the glory proper to such a Son.”

It is with joyful expectation that this article concludes, in the certainty and confidence of the victory of Her who is incapable of deceiving, for She promised: “In the end, my Imaculate Heart will triumph!”

By Monsignor João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, EP

Extracted, with minor adaptations, from: “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!” São Paulo: Lumen Sapientiae, 2017, pp. 105-132

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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