The Opening of the Olympics in Paris and God’s Justice


This past Summer, Paris was transformed into a sinister esoteric space, in sad contrast to the glorious past of the City of Light.

Newsroom (16/02/2025 22:29, Gaudium Press) Paris, Paris… City of St. Louis the King and his heavenly Sainte-Chapelle, of St. Vincent de Paul and his heart of gold; Paris of Notre-Dame and the Crown of Thorns of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Paris, of St. Catherine Laboure, her incorrupt body and the apparitions of a Miraculous Virgin who also announced calamities for the once sweet and beautiful France.

Paris was transformed into a sinister esoteric space of Marie Antoinette beheaded to the sound of Ça ira, of black ghosts wandering across centuries-old rooftops; of dancing children surrounded by seductive drag queens, who also served to represent a blasphemous ‘Last Supper’, expelled from Paris to 3 billion people… in sad contrast to the glorious past of the City of Light.

‘To all the Christians of the world who are attending the Paris 2024 ceremony and felt insulted by this drag queen parody of the Last Supper, know that it is not France that is speaking, but the minority of the left ready for any provocation,’ said the well-known Marion Marechal in a post on “X”.

However, the issue is not so much whether Christians have been offended or ‘provoked’, because in the end, as Scripture says: ‘What is man that you should remember him?’

The problem is that God has been offended, ‘provoked’, rejected, insulted. The question is whether God understands the offence as being committed by the whole of France, a France to which God has given so much, and which is now proud to proclaim the killing of innocents as a ‘human right’, even with the support of Marion’s aunt. A France that now defiantly erects an idolatrous golden calf in the place where the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ should be.

To the ‘do-gooders’ who abound in Catholic ranks and who stupidly repeat that God forgives everything, it is worth reminding them that the merciful Christ himself wept for a Jerusalem that rejected Him, where He shed his blood out of love, but where He also announced his justice: ‘Truly I tell you, all these crimes weigh on this race. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those who are sent to you! How many times have I wanted to gather your children together, like a hen gathers her chicks under her wings… and you didn’t want to! Well then, your house is left deserted,’ just as Jerusalem was deserted in the year 70, after four years of terrible siege and subsequent destruction by Titus.


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In the end, the question is not so much whether God was offended by the fact that His creature rejected, despised and insulted Him, because it is clear that this happened. The real question is whether God’s own justice is not the merciful remedy, so that everyone does not become ghosts, golden calves and drag queens, Satan’s henchmen.

Because, as we can see in God’s relationship with the chosen people, His justice, sometimes terrible, is also mercy, a sign of his love.

By Carlos Castro

Compiled by Sandra Chisholm

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