The real ones and the fake ones: who are they?


Who are those who dress up evil as good, and call error truth?

Newsdesk (July 20, 2021, Gaudium Press) “The wisdom of this world is to hide the machinations of the heart, to veil the meaning of words, to show as true what is false, to show to be wrong what is true. On the contrary, the wisdom of the just consists in not pretending anything for the sake of ostentation; in declaring the meaning of words; in loving true things as they are; in avoiding false things; in doing good gratuitously; in preferring to resist evil rather than to do it willingly; in not seeking vengeance against an insult; in deeming insult to be profitable for the sake of truth. But this simplicity of the righteous is mocked, because to the prudent of this world the virtue of purity of heart is considered foolishness. Whatever is done innocently, they regard as foolishness, and that which the truth approves of in actions, sounds false to human wisdom.

St. Gregory the Great, “Moralia.” (Lib. 10, 47-48: PL 75, 946-947).

By Cicero Leite

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