The Rosary of Men is Recited Simultaneously in More than 30 Countries


The Rosary of Men Movement in Brazil was united to the ‘Rosary of Men’ initiative on October 12, when the Solemnity of Our Lady of Aparecida was celebrated.

Newsroom (16/10/2022 12:45 PM, Gaudium Press)  On October 8, one day after the Catholic Liturgy celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Thousands of men spread across five continents united, spiritually in prayer, to recite the rosary. The prayer that most pleases the Mother of God .

Over Thirty Countries Participated

Among the countries participating in the initiative were: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, El Salvador, Ecuador, Spain, United States, France, Guatemala, Holland, India, Ireland, Italy, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Puerto Rico, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Venezuela and Zambia.

The ‘Rosary of Men’ group highlights on its website the role of men as protectors and guardians of families. They follow the example of St. Joseph. Presenting themselves as a group of “men who wish to fulfill the will of Mary, our Mother and Queen,”. They say that they wish to do exactly what She has constantly asks us to do, “Her will is that of her Son, Jesus Christ, who is our Lord and brother.”

Brazil Joined the Initiative on October 12th

The Movement of Rosary of Men in Brazil will join the initiative ‘Rosary of Men’ on October 12, when the Solemnity of Our Lady of Aparecida is celebrated. In an interview with ACI Digital, the secretary general of Rosary of Men of Brazil, Glayson Lozer, affirmed that the choice of doing it on another day was made because of the day of the Patroness of Brazil. “We decided to move this action to October 12th, which is a holy day and a national holiday, involving the whole Church in Brazil”, he explained.

According to Glayson, the group ‘Rosary of Men’ sent an e-mail message to the Brazilian group with an invitation to participate in the world event. After talking with Bishop Gil Antonio Moreira, referential Bishop of the Rosary of Men in Brazil and Archbishop of Juiz de Fora (MG), it was decided that the Brazilians would also join the initiative. (EPC)

Compiled by Florence MacDonald


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