the Story of St Thomas the Apostle and The Belt of Our Lady


After being assumed body and soul into heaven, there is a pious and ancient tradition that the Virgin Mary left a gift to the apostle Saint Thomas.

Newsroom (07/03/2023 08:09, Gaudium Press) Those who leave Florence and travel twenty kilometers northwest will find, on the banks of the Bisenzio River, an industrial city whose factories have earned it the nickname “Manchester of Italy.” This city is Prato. Despite the ugliness of its industries and the simplicity of its name, Prato, apart from being a renowned artistic center in the history of Tuscany, houses in its old center one of the most touching relics of the Mother of God.

The skepticism of Saint Thomas

The story of Saint Thomas, one of the twelve Apostles, is well known. He was absent when the Lord appeared after the Resurrection and did not believe it, despite the testimony of his companions. Only eight days later, when Jesus appeared to them again, Thomas could verify the truth by placing his fingers in the wounds of the Savior. It was then that he believed.

Years passed, and Thomas became one of the most intrepid Apostles, spreading the Gospel to the far reaches of Persia and India. According to the beautiful tradition that has come down to us, he was in one of those distant regions when he received a message from Saint Peter, urging him to return to Jerusalem without delay because Mary, the Mother of the Lord, was about to depart and wished to bid them farewell. Thomas set off on his return journey but once again arrived late. The Mother of God had already ascended to heaven.

Once again, driven by skepticism, Saint Thomas hesitated to believe in the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin and asked Saint Peter to open the tomb so he could see with his own eyes what had happened. His request was granted, and he saw that the empty tomb was filled only with lilies and roses. At that moment, as he raised his eyes to heaven, Thomas saw Our Lady in glory, who smiled, untied her belt, and placed it in his hands as a symbol of maternal blessing and protection.

The belt of Our Lady

This belt is the relic venerated in the Cathedral of Prato. It arrived in Prato from Jerusalem in 1141, brought by Michele Dagomari, a resident of the city who had been in the Holy Land. At first, no one attached much importance to that relic of unverified authenticity. However, in 1173, an extraordinary event took place, providentially ensuring that everyone recognized its truth.

On the feast day of Saint Stephen, the patron saint of the city, it was customary to place all the relics on the altar to bless the sick and the possessed with them. On that occasion, the box containing the belt of Our Lady was also displayed. A possessed woman approached and, as soon as she touched the box, she began to insist repeatedly that the belt belonged to the Blessed Virgin. At that moment, she was instantly liberated from her possession.

Public veneration of the sacred relic began at that time. Saint Francis of Assisi himself visited Prato in 1212 with his early friars to venerate it. Although this devotion has more than eight centuries of history, the devotion to the holy belt of Our Lady is even older, having been established by Saint Augustine, who determined the formation of a Confraternity of the Holy Belt, which still exists among the Augustinians.

The relic is publicly displayed for veneration five times a year: during Easter, on May 1st, August 15th, December 8th, and Christmas. On these occasions, it is placed on the external pulpit to the right of the Cathedral, facing the beautiful medieval square of the city.

One of the most frequented Marian pilgrimage sites in Italy

This devotion has made Prato one of the most frequented Marian pilgrimage sites in Italy. Saint Thomas became one of the most intrepid Apostles, spreading the Gospel to the far reaches of Persia and India.

If you, dear reader, ever visit Prato, do not miss the opportunity to enter the Cathedral, a beautiful example of Tuscan Gothic architecture. Seek out the Chapel of the Sacred Belt on the left side, where you can venerate this extraordinary relic. Ask the Blessed Virgin for the graces you need and take the time to admire the marvelous frescoes that depict, in addition to the delivery of the belt to Saint Thomas, other episodes from the life of Our Lady.

Mary, the mother of unimaginable mercy, wanted to show Saint Thomas and all of us that even when we are stubborn in our belief and immersed in our miseries, she will always be willing to perform wondrous miracles to confirm us in the Faith and bind us to her with her Belt, protecting us with her maternal tenderness.

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