The value of failure


A “companion” that is always present throughout life. How should we take advantage of it?

Newsroom (Sept 19, 2021 2:15 PM, Gaudium Press) One of the most difficult things for a person to accept is, without a doubt, failure. To recognize that all your efforts have not served to reach your goal, costs us terribly. However, if we analyze the history of mankind, we will easily see that all of them, at one time or another, to a greater or lesser degree, have had failures throughout their lives.

A gift from God…

However, what is the reason for this? Isn’t it true that God always wants the good of His children? In fact, everything that He desires or allows to happen to us is aimed at our happiness. What, then, is the explanation for failure?

To this very delicate question we will find an answer in St. Paul’s words. Thus he says: “I rather boast of my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. [For when I feel weak, then I am strong” (2 Cor 12:9b-10).

Therefore, we should rejoice in our weaknesses, because in this way it becomes clear how incapable we, by ourselves, are of any success and how much we need heavenly help. A failure, considered in this light, is really a gift from heaven.

On many occasions we think we are able to live happily without putting God at the center. This is why He often allows a failure to affirm the opposite of our contumacy.

Therefore, when a man gets down on his knees, recognizes his weaknesses and asks for forgiveness, God can work wonders on him that He would not work if he did not accept such a fall.

Consequently, we could say, paraphrasing the words of the Divine Master: Blessed are those who fall and recognize their fault, for they will be raised up by the mercy of God.

By Jerome Sequeira Vaz

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