Two Canadians among the 34 Metropolitan Archbishops who will receive the pallium blessed by the Pope


Among these new metropolitan Archbishops are representatives from all continents except Oceania, and there is still one Cardinal on the list.

Vatican City (28/06/2021 11:05 AM , Gaudium Press) Today Tuesday morning, June 29, Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul, Pope Francis presided over the traditional liturgical celebration when the palliums of the new metropolitan Archbishops are blessed.

The tradition used to be that the Pontiff would also impose the blessed palliums on the new metropolitan archbishops appointed during the previous year. However, the rite was changed by Francis himself and now the palliums are received by the Archbishops in their respective countries and the imposition is done solemnly in the local Churches.

The new metropolitan Archbishops named by the Pope last year, and who will therefore receive the pallium blessed by the Pontiff, come from all continents except Oceania. two of them are Canadian.

Canadian Archbishops

The Archbishops of North America are: Archbishop Marcel Damphousse, Metropolitan Archbishop of Ottawa-Cornwall (Canada) and Archbishop Joseph Dunn, Metropolitan Archbishop of Halifax-Yarmouth (Canada).

European Archbishops

The Europeans are Archbishop Francesco Lomanto, Metropolitan Archbishop of Syracuse; Archbishop Georgios Altouvas, Metropolitan Archbishop of Corfù, Zante and Cefalonia; Archbishop Mario Iceta Gavicagogeascoa, Metropolitan Archbishop of Burgos; Archbishop Carlos Manuel Escribano Subías, Metropolitan Archbishop of Zaragoza; Archbishop Olivier de Germay, Metropolitan Archbishop of Lyon; Archbishop Giuseppe Satriano, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bari-Bitonto; Archbishop Domenico Battaglia, Metropolitan Archbishop of Naples; Archbishop Dermot Pius Farrell, Metropolitan Archbishop of Dublin; Archbishop Josif Printezis, Metropolitan Archbishop of Naxos, Andros, Tinos, Mykonos; Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda, S. A.C., Metropolitan Archbishop of Gdańsk; Archbishop Fortunato Morrone, Metropolitan Archbishop of Reggio Calabria-Bova; Archbishop Josep Àngel Saiz Meneses, Metropolitan Archbishop of Seville; Archbishop Alessandro Damiano, Metropolitan Archbishop of Agrigento, Sicily.

Archbishops from Latin America

The Archbishops from Latin America are: Archbishop Severino Clasen, O.F.M., Metropolitan Archbishop of Maringá (Brazil); Archbishop Gonzalo de Villa y Vásquez, S.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Santiago de Guatemala (Guatemala); Archbishop Omar Alberto Sánchez Cubillos, O.P., Metropolitan Archbishop of Popayán (Colombia); Archbishop Paulo Cezar Costa, Metropolitan Archbishop of Brasília (Brazil); Archbishop Francisco Javier Múnera Correa, I.M.C., Metropolitan Archbishop of Cartagena (Colombia); Archbishop José Miguel Gómez Rodríguez, Metropolitan Archbishop of Manizales (Colombia); Archbishop Gilberto Pastana de Oliveira, Metropolitan Archbishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil); Archbishop Leomar Antônio Brustolin, Metropolitan Archbishop of Santa Maria (Brazil).

Archbishops from Asia

Asian Archbishops include Archbishop Bejoy Nicephorus D’Cruze, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Dhaka (Bangladesh); Archbishop Petrus Canisius Mandagi, M.S.C., Archbishop of Merauke (Indonesia); Archbishop Anthony Poola, Metropolitan Archbishop of Hyderabad (India); Archbishop Sebastian Kallupura, Metropolitan Archbishop of Patna (India); Archbishop Victor Lyngdoh, Metropolitan Archbishop of Shillong (India); Jose Fuerte Advincula, Metropolitan Archbishop of Manila (Philippines); Archbishop Martin Kmetec, OFM, Metropolitan Archbishop of Izmir (Turkey), Archbishop Benny Mario Travas, Metropolitan Archbishop of Karachi (Pakistan).

New African Archbishops

Last but not least, the new African Archbishops are Archbishop Ignace Bessi Dogbo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Korhogo (Ivory Coast); Archbishop Fulgence Muteba Mugalu, Metropolitan Archbishop of Lubumbashi (Democratic Republic of Congo); Archbishop Mandla Siegfried Jwara, C.M.M., Metropolitan Archbishop of Durban (South Africa). (EPC)


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