Two New Editions of the Holy Scriptures are Translated into Malay languages


The purpose of the new editions is to meet the growing demand from the Malay-speaking churches for a formal translation that is closer to the original biblical texts.


Newsroom (30/01/2025 15:00, Gaudium Press) As part of the Jubilee celebrations, the Christian community of Sarawak, a region on the island of Malaysian Borneo, celebrated the publication of two new editions of the Bible in the Bahasa Malaysia language: ‘Alkitab Kudus Malaysia’ and ‘Alkitab Berita Baik Edisi Studi’.

Meeting the Growing Demand from Malay-Speaking Churches

The aim of the new editions, which are the result of a new translation process started by the Bible Society in 2011, is to meet the growing demand from Malay-speaking churches for a formal translation that is closer to the original biblical texts, as well as to strengthen and enrich the spiritual life of Christians throughout the country, especially in the Borno region of island Malaysia.

For Datuk Danald Jute, general secretary of the Sarawak Association of Churches, “the most beautiful thing about Bible translations is that they remind everyone that God speaks and understands all languages. Thus, ‘Bahasa Malaysia’ becomes not only our national language, but also a sacred language through which God speaks to us. Christians can use these Bibles as tools to get closer to God and share his message.

The Work was Aided by Technology

The process of working on the new Bible translations took thirteen years, which was much to be celebrated, as the estimated time for completion was 20 years. The scholars relied on the help of technology, including new software created especially for this purpose.

Unlike the ‘Alkitab Berita Baik’ edition – an adaptation of the Bible that employs the “dynamic equivalence” approach to translation – ‘Alkitab Kudus Malaysia’ adheres to a “formal equivalence” approach, making it ideal for academic research, a more in-depth study and comparison with Aramaic and Greek terminology.

Differences Between the Two Translations

“The ‘Alkitab Kudus Malaysia’ stands as a testament of the Malaysian Church’s commitment to understanding the Word of God in its fullest depth. This Bible is not just a translation; it is a gift to the Malaysian Church. It enables a deeper and more accurate engagement with the Scriptures for study, prayer and worship,” assured Mathew K . Trocadilho, general secretary of the Bible Society.

The ‘Alkitab Berita Baik Edisi Studi’ is enriched with commentaries, references and explanatory notes to help even non-specialist readers, i.e. all baptized people, gain a deeper understanding of the Scriptures. “This Bible fills a gap, offering the Word of God in an understandable way and providing everyone with the tools to understand it even better,” emphasizes the Bible Society. (EPC)

The post “Two New Editions of the Holy Scriptures are Translated into Malay languages” appeared first on Gaudium Press.

Compiled by Florence MacDonald

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