US Navy Barred from Acting Against Religious Vaccine Objectors

US Navy Barred from Acting Against Religious Vaccine Objectors

In Texas, a federal judge is barring the Navy from taking action against sailors who have objected to COVID-19 vaccination based on religious grounds.

Newsroom (1/04/2022 11:26 AM Gaudium Press) Back in January, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor issued a preliminary injunction preventing the Navy from disciplining or discharging 35 sailors who sued over the Navy’s vaccine policy while their case played out. On Monday, O’Connor agreed the case could go forward as a class-action lawsuit and issued a preliminary injunction covering the approximately 4,000 sailors who objected to being vaccinated on religious grounds.

O’Connor said the larger group of sailors shared common characteristics with those who had sued. They had been denied an exemption to the vaccine requirement on religious grounds and were facing the threat of being discharged from the Navy, O’Connor wrote.

“Even though their personal circumstances may factually differ in small ways, the threat is the same — get the jab or lose your job,” wrote O’Connor, who was nominated to the bench by President George W. Bush.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin last year made vaccinations mandatory for service members. More than 99 percent of the Navy’s active-duty force has been vaccinated against COVID-19. However, the US Navy has also discharged 650 people for refusing to be vaccinated. Navy guidelines allow for exemptions to the vaccine requirement on religious and other grounds, including medical reasons or when a service member is about to leave the institution.

Lawyers for the group of sailors who sued, most of them Navy SEALs, argue that the Navy had granted hundreds of exemptions for medical and administrative reasons but granted no religious exemptions for active duty and reserve service members. Nine inactive reserve members were granted religious exemptions.

Mike Berry, the director of military affairs for First Liberty Institute, which is representing the sailors, said in a statement following O’Connor’s action that it’s “time for our military to honour its constitutional obligations and grant religious accommodations for service members with sincere religious objections to the vaccine.”

While the case is still at an early stage, the U.S. Supreme Court narrowed the impact of O’Connor’s original injunction on Friday, saying that the Navy could still consider the vaccination status of the sailors planning deployments, assignments, and other operational decisions. O’Connor’s latest injunction allows the Navy to consider vaccination status during large groups’ operations. 

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has argued that not allowing the Navy to consider vaccination status in making assignments posed “intolerable risks to safety and mission success.”

“Navy personnel routinely operate for extended periods of time in confined spaces that are ripe breeding grounds for respiratory illnesses, where mitigation measures such as distancing are impractical or impossible,” Biden administration lawyers wrote. “A SEAL who falls ill not only cannot complete his or her own mission, but risks infecting others as well, particularly in close quarters, including on submarines.”

(Via Crux Now)

Compiled by Raju Hasmukh

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