Vatican Launches Contest for the Jubilee 2025 Hymn

Vatican Launches Contest for the Jubilee 2025 Hymn

Last Saturday, September 17, the Vatican launched the contest for the musical composition of the 2025 Jubilee Hymn.

Newsroom (September 20, 2022, 8:45 PM, Gaudium Press) The Dicastery for Evangelization, in its Section on the fundamental questions of evangelization, has called a contest for the musical composition of the new hymn of the jubilee of 2025.

The contest is open to composers from all over the world who will have to create a musical composition for the text of the official Jubilee hymn, written by Monsignor Pierangelo Sequeri.

Putting the Jubilee Motto to Music

With the motto chosen by Pope Francis “Pilgrims of Hope”, the composers are invited to express in music the motto proposed by the Pope.

Some rules are necessary to participate in the contest. It is necessary that the score can be performed by a schola cantorum and a liturgical assembly and, obviously, it must be an unpublished composition.

Registration for the contest opened last Saturday, September 17, and will run until March 25, 2022, at 20:00 Vatican time. More information can be found at the following websites: and

The role of music in the life and faith of the Church

The Dicastery for Evangelization explains that a jury still to be constituted will analyze the musical proposals.

In the press release, the Dicastery explains the importance of music in the life of the Church and in the liturgy: “the prayers of the people of Israel were written to be sung and to present before the Lord the most human of vicissitudes. The tradition of the Church does nothing more than prolong this union, making song and music one of the lungs of the liturgy itself,” the text explains.

The Jubilee year

The Jubilee is a special year of celebration and pilgrimage in the Catholic Church and takes place every 25 years, unless the Pope declares an extraordinary jubilee, as was the case in 2015, the year in which Francis decreed the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy.

The last Jubilee took place during the pontificate of John Paul II and had as its motto: “Christ yesterday, today and forever.”

Text by Msgr. Pierangelo Sequeri: Pellegrini di speranza

The text for the official hymn of the Jubilee of 2025 has already been chosen and composed by Monsignor Pierangelo Sequeri.

The Dicastery for Evangelization, responsible for organizing the Jubilee, explained that the text addresses several themes of the Holy Year.

The hymn was written in Italian and will later be translated into other languages. You can read the original version below: (Source: Vaticannews)

Pilgrims of hope

Living flame of my hope

May this song reach unto Thee!

Eternal womb of infinite life

On the way I trust in Thee.


Every language, people and nation

Finds light in Your Word.

Fragile and dispersed figures and figures

Are welcomed in your beloved Son.


Living flame of my hope

May this song reach all the way to You!

Eternal shade of infinite life

In the way I trust in Thee.


God watches over us, tender and patient:

The dawn of a new future is born.

New heavens Earth made new:

passes the walls Spirit of life.


Living flame of my hope

this song reach to You!

Eternal shade of infinite life

On the way I trust in You.


Lift up your eyes, move with the wind,

saw the step: come, God, in time.

See the Son who became Man:

A thousand and a thousand find the way.


Living flame of my hope

This song come to Thee!

Eternal shade of infinite life

In the way I trust in Thee.


With information from Vatican News.

Compiled by Zephania Gangl

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