Vatican Releases Note to Episcopal Conferences: Prudence, on Gestures and Behaviors during Holy Week Celebrations


The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments released yesterday, March 25, a note to Bishops and Episcopal Conferences offering some guidelines on Holy Week celebrations.  

Newsroom (03/28/2022 7:43 PM, Gaudium Press) According to the document, since the pandemic has been easing, although the speed is diverse in each country, the Congregation does not intend to offer new provisions for Holy Week celebrations this year, in addition to those to be observed in times of Covid-19.

In fact, “the Episcopal Conferences have gained experience in these years, which certainly allows them to face the different situations in the most appropriate way, always taking care to observe the ritual norms contained in the liturgical books.”

The note also emphasizes “prudence, avoiding gestures and behaviors that could be potentially risky. Every evaluation and decision must always be made in agreement with the Episcopal Conference, which will take into consideration the norms that the competent civil authorities will establish in the different countries.”

In the universal prayer of the liturgy of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday, the Congregation wishes that the Lord be invoked “for rulers to enlighten their minds and hearts to seek the common good in true freedom and peace.”

With information from Vatican News.

Compiled by Teresa Joseph


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