Vatican Releases October Synod of Bishops Instrumentum Laboris

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The Instrumentum Laboris, a 50-page document released by the Vatican, serves as a preparatory text for the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.

Newsdesk (21/06/2023 19:30Gaudium PressIt provides detailed insights and questions for discussion on various topics related to Pope Francis’ vision of a more inclusive and synodal Church. Here are some key points addressed in the document:

  1. Listening to the People of God: The document emphasizes that the priorities presented in the Instrumentum Laboris are derived from listening to the People of God through a global synodal process. It highlights the importance of including diverse voices and perspectives in the Church’s decision-making processes.
  2. Synodality and Decentralization: The text explores the concept of synodality, which refers to a participatory and consultative approach to decision-making in the Church. It envisions a more decentralized Church that promotes the active involvement of the faithful at all levels. The document suggests the creation of new institutional bodies that allow for greater participation by the “People of God” in decision-making processes.
  3. Hot-Button Topics: The Instrumentum Laboris covers several sensitive and controversial topics, including the possibility of women deacons, the discipline of priestly celibacy, and LGBTQ+ outreach. It acknowledges that these topics have been discussed previously but emphasizes the need to reexamine them within the context of a synodal process.
  4. Role of Women: The document highlights the role of women in the Church and raises questions about the inclusion of women in the diaconate. It acknowledges that the question of women’s inclusion in the diaconate has been raised in various continental assemblies and syntheses of Episcopal Conferences.
  5. Inclusion and Welcoming: The text addresses the challenge of creating spaces within the Church where individuals who feel hurt or excluded can feel recognized, received, and free to ask questions without judgment. It references Pope Francis’ Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia and calls for concrete steps to welcome those who may feel excluded due to their status or sexuality.
  6. Exercise of Authority: The document explores the exercise of authority in the Church and how it is influenced by prevailing management models and societal notions of power. It raises questions about discerning the prevailing practices of exercising authority and the possibility of learning from other Churches and ecclesial communities in this regard.
  7. Spiritual Conversation and Synodal Method: The concept of “conversation in the Spirit” is presented as the synodal method, which involves personal prayer, listening, sharing, and group discernment in an atmosphere of prayer. The document calls for formation in this method for all the baptized and the development of facilitators who can guide communities in practising this approach.
  8. Formation and Renewal: The Instrumentum Laboris underscores the importance of formation for all Catholics as an indispensable means to make synodality a pastoral model for the Church’s life and action. It proposes the renewal of the Church’s seminary curriculum to include a greater focus on a synodal style and mentality. Additionally, it suggests changes to various aspects of Church life, including liturgy, preaching, catechesis, sacred art, communication, and media.

The document sets the stage for the October synod assembly, where bishops, priests, religious, and laypeople will engage in discussions based on the questions and priorities outlined in the Instrumentum Laboris. The outcome of these discussions will contribute to a plan of study and further discernment, leading to a final document that will be presented to Pope Francis for his consideration.

  • Raju Hasmukh with files from CNA
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