Vatican Releases Shepherds of Christ: For a Synodal Church

Shepherds of Christ: For a Synodal Church, a book to guide bishops in their pastoral mission. Credit: Archive.

Vatican releases Shepherds of Christ: For a Synodal Church, a book to guide bishops in their pastoral mission, featuring lectures and homilies from Church leaders.

Vatican City (01/29/2025 13:51, Gaudium Press) – The Vatican Publishing House (LEV) has recently released a new book titled Shepherds of Christ: For a Synodal Church. This publication compiles lectures and homilies delivered during the annual training course for newly appointed bishops, held in Rome from September 15 to 22, 2024.

The purpose of this work is to serve as “a valuable tool to assist bishops worldwide in guiding their flocks.” It was published by the Dicastery for Evangelization (Section for First Evangelization and New Particular Churches) in collaboration with the Dicastery for Bishops.

Shepherds of Christ: Training Course with 267 Bishops

The latest edition of this training course, an integral part of the Roman Curia’s program, had a unique aspect: for the first time, a significant portion of the sessions were conducted jointly at the Pontifical Urban University. Participants included bishops from the training program organized by the Dicastery for Evangelization, alongside those from the similar program run by the Dicastery for Bishops.

A total of 267 bishops attended the sessions—114 bishops in the Dicastery for Evangelization’s program and 153 bishops in the Dicastery for Bishops’ program. Among them were 25 bishops of Eastern rites and 5 bishops working within the Roman Curia.

Introduction by Cardinals Tagle and Prevost

The training included joint sessions at the Urbaniana University, along with specialized lectures and discussions held in two separate locations:

  • The course organized by the Dicastery for Evangelization, titled Living the Episcopal Mission in a Synodal Church, took place at the Pontifical College of St. Peter.
  • The course for the Dicastery for Bishops was conducted at the Pontifical College of St. Paul.

Now available in select bookstores, the book compiles 25 lectures given by cardinals leading various Vatican offices and 8 homilies delivered during prayer moments throughout the event. The introduction was written by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization, and Cardinal Robert Francis Prevost, Prefect of the Dicastery for Bishops.

History of the Bishops’ Study Seminars

Established in 1994, these Bishops’ Study Seminars provide newly ordained bishops within the territories entrusted to the Dicastery for Evangelization a time for reflection on the many responsibilities of episcopal ministry. Through lectures, information sessions, and daily encounters, these Rome-based meetings foster dialogue, prayer, and fraternal sharing among bishops from around the world.

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj


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