Vicar of Arabia: Easter, Christians ‘Peacemakers’ in a World at War

Bishop Paul Hinder
Bishop Paul Hinder

In his Easter message, Bishop Paul Hinder underlines the feeling of impotence in the face of the conflicts “taking place in Ukraine, Yemen and Syria”. Peace, he warns, is built starting from the family environment and from one’s own community. The risen Jesus support “in the trials and struggles” that everyone must face.

Newsroom (18/04/2022 11:01 AM Gaudium Press) In reference to current events and to the conflicts that are repeated in many parts of the world, the Vicar of Arabia, Bishop Paul Hinder, urges Christians to be “peacemakers” according to the mandate received from Christ, who by His resurrection conquered death. He noted that at this time, we witness “helplessly” the wars that “are being waged in Ukraine, Yemen, Syria and in many other parts of the world.” In his Easter message to the faithful of the Gulf, shared via AsiaNews, the prelate recalls that it is the task of all “to contribute to peace,” starting from “our family environment” and our “communities.” Christ has defeated death and the devil, who “is at the origin of all evil.” Christ is the true hope for all in the “trials and struggles” that each of us must face.

Below, Bishop Hinder’s Easter message:

Dear friends in Christ! Peace be with you! These were the first words of the Risen Lord to the disciples after his resurrection. Christ knew that his own friends were not free from ambition and aggressiveness. With his greeting of peace, he wanted to bring them closer together among themselves and make them instruments of peace for others.

We are looking helplessly at the wars in Ukraine, in Yemen, in Syria and other parts of the world. However, are we indeed helpless and powerless? Does not Christ give us the mandate and the power to be peacemakers in our small world and thus contribute to peace in the big world? Let us do it in our environment of the families and communities and we shall see that peace bears fruits of peace.

Easter is the feast that reveals the power of God over the destructive powers of the devil, the great troublemaker. Easter gives us hope because Christ has won the battle over death. Dear sisters and brothers, I wish all of you amidst the trials and struggles we are going through, a happy Easter. Christ is alive and cannot die anymore. He is our hope. Alleluia.


Compiled by Raju Hasmukh

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