Vietnam: 19 new priests


This year, the Church in Vietnam has ordained 141 priests and 153 deacons.

Photo: TGP Saigon, archdiocese (

Newsroom (June 29, 2022, 8:50 AM, Gaudium Press) While in Germany the Catholic Church is losing faithful and the number of priestly vocations is decreasing, in Vietnam, it is flourishing with a growing number of priestly vocations. Indeed, on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, last June 24, 19 priests were ordained in Saigon Cathedral.

The celebration was attended by priests, relatives, friends of the new priests and a large number of parishioners who filled the cathedral.

Archbishop Joseph Nguyen Nang of Ho Chi Minh City, who presided over the priestly ordination, stressed to the new priests that “as pastors, we have the responsibility, the mission to portray Jesus’ love for the People of God.”

“We are called by God to love his flocks of wounded, disabled, sinful and defective sheep. God loves his people and invites us to go to them. They are our reason for living and the meaning of life. […] Each of these sheep was redeemed at the price of Jesus’ blood… We must not lose them… May God sanctify our hearts on this day of the Sacred Heart, that we may have a heart big enough to embrace all people, embracing even the stubborn sheep. It takes a heart big enough to know how to live meekly, humbly, following the example of Jesus.”

“Let us thank God because He has given us priests. God gives our Archdiocese 19 new priests to work in the service of the People of God. Let us love and respect priests. We should all be grateful to priests,” the archbishop expressed.

This year, the Church in Vietnam, with seven million faithful, has ordained 141 priests and 153 deacons.

With information Archdiocese of Saigon –

Compiled by Zephania Gangl

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