Vietnam’s Archbishop receives pallium


Archbishop Joseph Nguyen Nang of Vietnam received the pallium in a ceremony celebrated in the cathedral of Ho Chi Minh City

Newsroom (February 22, 2022, 3:15 PM, Gaudium Press): Archbishop Marek Zalewski of Singapore and official representative of the Holy See, imposed the pallium on Archbishop Joseph Nguyen Nang of Ho Chi Minh City.

The solemn ceremony took place at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Metropolis on February 19.

Present at the celebration were 16 bishops, representatives of the local clergy, as well as religious and lay associations.

The pallium destined for Bishop Joseph Nguyen Nang was blessed by Pope Francis on the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul on June 29, 2020.

However, because of the pandemic, Archbishop Zalewski was only able to make his first apostolic visit to Vietnam this month.

The Vietnamese Archbishop of Hue, Monsignor Joseph Nguyen Chi Linh, said in his homily that Ho Chi Minh is the country’s main economic center but it is also a place that demands a lot of attention.

According to him, the dangers and challenges are great in the face of increasing secularism and bad customs in the city.

Therefore, the Archbishop pointed out that shepherds must not be indifferent to the sheep that are in a “desert of poverty, sickness, loneliness and despair.

Pallium symbol of the Good Shepherd

In fact, the pallium made of wool signifies that the shepherd of the flock – the bishop – must carry on his shoulders the burden of the flock.

The pallium is a liturgical vestment and consists of a white woollen sash that is placed on the shoulders of the Archbishops.

The word pallium derives from the Latin, pallium and means “woollen cloak”. The pallium thus represents the lost sheep, which the Archbishops, as representatives of the Good Shepherd, must carry on their shoulders. (FM)

With information from UCANews.

Compiled by Zephania Gangl

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