"We will emerge [from the pandemic]  for the better if we all seek the common good together ;the contrary is we will emerge for the worse," said Francisco.


At the General Audience, the Pope spoke about the Christian response to the pandemic.


Vatican City, (September 9, Gaudium Press) — Today the Pope held his second General Audience in the presence of the faithful since the beginning of the confinement. The Audience took place at San Damaso courtyard.

“We will emerge [from the pandemic]  for the better if we all seek the common good together ;the contrary is we will emerge for the worse,” said Francisco.

The Pope pointed out threats against the search for the common good: There are “some would like to appropriate possible solutions for themselves, as in the case of vaccines;” others “instigate divisions: by seeking economic or political advantages, generating or exacerbating conflicts,” just as there are those who “simply are not interesting themselves in the suffering of others.”

The Christian Response to the Pandemic

“The Christian response to the pandemic and to the consequent socio-economic crisis is based on love, above all, love of God who always precedes us (see 1 Jn 4:19),” the Pontiff expressed.This love extends to our fellow men, to those who love us as much as to those who do not.

Love is not limited to relationships between two or three people, or to friends, or to family. “It comprises civil and political relationships (see Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC], 1907-1912), including a relationship with nature (see Encyclical Laudato Si’ [LS], 231). Since we are social and political beings, one of the highest expressions of love is specifically social and political which is decisive to human development and in order to face any type of crisis (ibid., 231).”

“We know that love makes families and friendships flourish; but it is good to remember that it also makes social, cultural, economic and political relationships flourish, allowing us to construct a “civilization of love”, as Saint Paul VI used to love to say and, in turn, Saint John Paul II. Without this inspiration the egotistical, indifferent, throw-away culture prevails – that is to discard anything I do not like, whom I cannot love or those who seem to me to not to be useful in society. “

One of the fruits of love: proper health care.

“The coronavirus is showing us that each person’s true good is a common good, not only individual, and, vice versa, the common good is a true good for the person. (see CCC, 1905-1906). Health, in addition to being an individual good, is also a public good. A healthy society is one that takes care of everyone’s health, of all. A virus that does not recognise barriers, borders, or cultural or political distinctions must be faced with a love without barriers, borders or distinctions.”

At the conclusion of his teaching, the Pope greeted the English-speaking pilgrims:  “May the Lord’s grace sustain all of you in bringing the Father’s love to our brothers and sisters, especially those most in need.”

With information from Vatican News

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