The Echo of Her Voice Sanctifies Souls in an Instant!


Why did Mary go to Visit her Cousin St. Elizabeth? In this mystery we see the power of the Mother of the Redeemer: the echo of Her voice sanctifies souls in an instant!

Newsdesk (06/06/2023 14:10, Gaudium Press) At the end of the brief account of the Annunciation of the Lord, St. Luke continues his narrative by describing the visit of the Virgin to Her cousin Elizabeth: “In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a city of Judah” (Lk 1:39).

In this mystery, which will culminate in the sanctification of St. John the Baptist, our Lady’s promptness and the abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit through Her stand out in a unique way, elements which make it especially worthy of our attention.

Generally, and with justice, Mary is considered by Catholic piety as the Mother of the Word Incarnate, an eminent aspect of Her vocation, since there is no closer relationship with Jesus than that fostered by the Divine Maternity.

Mystical Spouse of the Holy Spirit

However, in the episode of the Visitation we can contemplate Her from an angle that is little known and loved, although it is of capital importance for understanding the mission of our Heavenly Queen: as the Mystical Spouse of the Holy Spirit.

Under this title Our Lady will shine in future centuries for Her ability to transform souls with an efficacy beyond all expectations.

Thus, in the encounter with St. Elizabeth, the veil is lifted to disclose something of Mary’s role in the sanctification of the Church, since She is, as it were, one single spirit with the Divine Comforter, by virtue of the spousal bond of a mystical nature, established between them since the Annunciation.

The serene haste of Mary

In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, St. Gabriel visited the Blessed Virgin. The fact that the Archangel mentioned the miracle that occurred to Her cousin to substantiate his words shows that our Lady was unaware of it.

Unlike Zechariah, who doubted, Mary accepted the news with complete trust, and for this reason, the Evangelist recounts that She went “in haste” to the mountains.

Our Lady decided to set out on Her journey, not to make sure of what the heavenly messenger had told her, but to carry out a mission communicated to Her by the Angel.

She probably asked St. Gabriel if it would be good for Her to leave as soon as possible, and Her interlocutor, enraptured, confirmed that this was the will of God.

One of the most frequently commented upon aspects of this holy eagerness, which in no way altered the imperturbable serenity and peace of Her Immaculate Heart, is Her avid desire to personally assist Her cousin.

Knowing that Elizabeth was advanced in years and had no one to support her, Mary disposed Herself, with extreme charity, to act as a true handmaid.

This is a very beautiful consideration that should be emphasized. But was this the only reason for Her haste?

Let us dwell more closely on a point not always considered in this mystery, the heart of which lies in the relationship between St. John the Baptist, about to be born, and the Son begotten of the Blessed Virgin.

It seems unlikely that St. Gabriel had not revealed something to Her about the role of Elizabeth and Zechariah in the plan of Redemption, and about the appearance and message to this priest in the Lord’s sanctuary and all that was to happen to the child in the future.

Therefore, Our Lady went in search of St. Elizabeth aware of who her child would be.

With one accord the Holy Couple prepared themselves for the three-day journey in a wise manner. The Virgin was to be accompanied by Her virginal spouse, but the latter could only remain in Ain Karim, the city of Elizabeth and Zechariah, for a short time, returning afterwards to Nazareth to continue his work as a carpenter.

Finally, they arrived at Ain Karim. Mary went to the place where Elizabeth was, and the Holy Patriarch withdrew to go to the master of the house and accommodate the luggage of his Lady.

In the apparent normality of this family scene, a new economy of grace would open up for humanity through the Mystical Spouse of the Divine Holy Spirit.

A greeting with supernatural effects

“When Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary…” (Lk 1:41a), St Luke recounts with simplicity. Unfortunately he does not describe this greeting. In Her discretion and humility, on entering the house She may only have said, “Elizabeth!” But it was Our Lady’s voice! It would be enough to hear it for us to spend the rest of our lives in raptures. What do the best musical compositions in history mean when compared to such heavenly harmony?

Because of Her love for Her cousin, because of Her love for God and because She knew that She had a mission that She would fulfil in the work of Redemption, Mary pronounced “Elizabeth” with an intonation born more from the depths of that holy affection than from Her vocal chords, for “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Mt 12:34).

As the mother of the Precursor, who would resemble Christ himself, it was fitting that St. Elizabeth should possess a series of qualities that would make her similar to Our Lady. This spiritual harmony between them, much greater than simple kinship ties, was the basis of the friendship that united them, manifested on both sides with a humility, elevation and affection worthy of the Angels.

As a result of the greeting of the Mediatrix of all graces, “the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit” (Lk 1:41b).

Such was the strength, penetration and efficacy of Mary’s voice that, through Her, the divine life that dwelt in Her Immaculate Heart was transmitted with superabundance to Her cousin.

If any stain of original guilt still remained in the venerable hostess, it disappeared at that very instant. Our Lady’s love, when well received, produces an immense change!

Consequences of the Mystical Espousal

Let us now consider the role of the mystical espousal of the Blessed Virgin with the Holy Spirit and its consequences for the generation and sanctification of God’s children.

As Our Lady was the most perfect creature to ever come forth from the hands of the Divine Artist, She possessed, in relation to Her Creator, all the love possible for a person conceived without sin and in the fullness of grace. Therefore, Her most ardent charity led Her to desire the greatest glory for Her Son, God Incarnate.

Now the Precursor of Jesus had to be on par with his mission and to participate in an eminent degree in the power to purify and ennoble souls that the Redemption was bringing. For this it was necessary to take him out of the clutches of the devil, to cleanse him of his original stain and to sanctify him with great power.

Mary had acquired an extremely refined sixth sense of faith, by means of which She discerned, by the smallest signs, the will of God and committed Herself to carrying it out generously and perfectly.

Thus, aware that the Trinity wished to sanctify John while still in his mother’s womb by communicating to him the gift of grace, and that it was the divine design to do this through Her, Our Lady let Herself be led to Ain Karim with the docility and lightness of a cloud blown by the wind.

Our Lady’s holy haste is explained by the fact that it is a specific characteristic of the Third Person to act swiftly, gently and effectively. Let us remember that in Her mystical espousal with the Comforter, Our Lady became as it were one spirit with Her Divine Spouse.

Therefore, before the imminence of John the Baptist’s sanctification, He wanted to act in Her and through Her!

Through the most intimate and indissoluble union between them, Mary’s voice was no longer Her own but that of the Holy Spirit, who made the figure, gestures, words, smile and gaze of the beautiful Virgin His instruments to communicate to others exceedingly high and transforming graces.

An ardent desire to sanctify

In fact, when one considers the exalted grandeur of the vocation of the Precursor – who received from Christ the highest praise: “among those born of women none is greater than John” (Lk 7:28) – it is clearly perceived that the Paraclete’s greatest works for the sanctification of mankind are accomplished through the direct action of His Bride.

This most wise and tender way in which the Holy Spirit acts together with Mary has its origin in His spousal love for Her. On a thousand occasions in the history of the Church, He has separated and sanctified His elect in Mary and with Mary, and this will occur in the future as well.

It is in Her, with Her and through Her that the Comforter will bring forth the apostles of the latter times, who, as St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort prophesied, will lead the Mystical Body of Christ and the world to a renewed summit of holiness 

We must therefore ask our Lady that Her voice speak in the depths of our souls and sanctify us, granting us, in an instant, virtue that not even years of struggle and effort could obtain for us.

Msgr. João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, EP.

Text taken, with adaptations, from the book Mary Most Holy! The Paradise of God Revealed to men, vol II.

Compiled by Roberta MacEwan


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