Why “True Devotion to Mary”? Selected Quotes by Saint Louis de Montfort

Why "True Devotion to Mary"? Selected Quotes by Saint Louis de Montfort

Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort was a great devotee of Our Lady. He wrote the book “Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin.”

Newsroom (29/04/2022 11:00 AM, Gaudium Press) This week, the Catholic Church celebrated the memory of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort. His great Marian devotion made him when he was confirmed, add Mary’s name to his own.

He was the author of “True Devotion to Mary,” a work that still today influences countless Catholics around the world, and was even quoted by the late Pope John Paul II, who adopted the Marian motto Totus Tuus, Mariae, “I am all yours, O Mary.”

We have selected some quotes from Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort about Our Lady that well reflect his great Marian devotion in the hope of helping readers increase their love for the Blessed Virgin.

Quotes by Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Monfort

01 – “The more a soul is consecrated to Mary, the more it will be consecrated to Jesus Christ.”

02 – “Through devotion to Mary, Jesus himself enlarges the heart with a holy trust in God, causing him to be seen as Father and inspiring a tender and filial love.”

03 – “(The Blessed Virgin) is so charitable that e[eals no one who implores her intercession, even if he is a sinner; for, as the Saints say, it has never been heard, since the world is the world, that anyone who has appealed to the Blessed Virgin, with confidence and perseverance, has ever been disfavored or repelled.”

04 – “The Virgin Mary is the surest, easiest, quickest and most perfect means of reaching Jesus Christ.”

05 – “To be your devotee, O Blessed Virgin, is a weapon of Salvation that God gives to those He wants to save.”

06 – “This devotion (to the Virgin Mary) makes the soul inwardly dependent and slave of the Blessed Virgin and of Jesus through her.”

07 – “Since Mary is the most conformed to Jesus Christ, it follows that among all devotions, the one that consecrates and conforms a soul most to our Lord is devotion to Mary, his holy Mother.”

08 – “The more you gain the benevolence of this venerable Princess and faithful Virgin (Our Lady), the more your behavior of life will be inspired by pure faith.”

09 – “Whoever finds Mary, will find Life [Jesus Christ].”

10 – “God, seeing that we are unworthy to receive his graces directly from his divine hands, gives them to Mary, in order that we may obtain through her what he wants to give us.”

 Our Lady, according to St. Louis 

01 – “All that is convenient to God through Nature is convenient to Mary through Grace.”

02 – “Only Mary found grace before God (Lk 1:30), without the help of any other creature.”

03 – “Mary is a Holy Place, the Holy of Holies, in which the Saints are formed and shaped.”

04 – “If we carefully examine the rest of Jesus’ life, we will see that it was through Mary that he wanted to begin his miracles.”

05 – “It is through Mary that I seek and that I will find Jesus, that I will crush the head of the serpent and overcome all my enemies and myself, to the greater glory of God.” (EPC)

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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