The Candour and Innocence of the Dove, A Call to Conversion


The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord invited us to conversion, encouraging us to walk our lives as true children of God. In this article, we delve into the teachings of the Church. 

Newsroom (11/01/2022 11:01 AM, Gaudium Press) The feast of the Baptism of Jesus puts an end to the Christmas season and marks the beginning of Ordinary Time, which will consider, in the readings throughout the year, the public mission of the Divine Master, accompanied by miracles, healings, his preaching, and exorcisms, as the Holy Gospels tell us.

But, what is the teaching that this feast has transmitted to us at this beginning of the year?

St. Ambrose teaches that “Baptism is the splendor of souls, the transformation of life, […] it is a help to our fragility. […] Baptism is vehicle leading to God, pilgrimage with Christ, support of faith, the perfection of mind, the key to the Kingdom of Heaven, change of life, destruction of slavery and liberation from bonds.”[1]

An invitation to conversion

Here, then, is the appeal made on the Feast of Baptism: the need to live according to this holy Sacrament, that is, as authentic children of God. It is not for nothing that God took the dove not only as a symbol of the Holy Spirit, but also to remind us that the temple of our soul should be preserved with the candor and simplicity of the dove, humble and innocent.

If our conscience points out mistakes and failures on our path, this should not be a reason for discouragement and despair, but to believe with faith in the power of God’s forgiveness, who is willing to forgive us, at any moment, of our faults. It is enough to come before Him in Confession, with a humble and repentant heart for our bad actions, aspiring to amend our transgressions, with joy and absolute trust in His infinite mercy.

By Guilherme Motta
Compiled by Camille Mittermeier

[1] SÃO GREGÓRIO NAZIANZENO. Homily XL, n. 3. In: Homilías sobre la Natividad. Madrid: Ciudad Nueva, 1992, p. 96-97.


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