Computing Network of the Catholic Church in Latin America (RIIAL) to meet in Lima


    Lima, Peru (Wednesday, 10/22/2014, Gaudium Press) The 13th meeting of the Computing Network of the Catholic Church in Latin America (RIIAL) will convene in Lima, Peru, from the 17 to the 21 of November. The gathering intends to be an opportunity to reflect on the technological path of the Catholic Church in the Latin American continent and its main challenges in the area of communication.computing_network_of_the_catholic_church_gaudium_press.jpg

    The event, which meets for the first time in the Peruvian capital, will bringing together bishops, religious, priests and lay professionals specialized in communication to go over the purpose of RIIAL which is to “facilitate communication, exchange experiences, design common strategies and building networks of communication within the Church and between pastoral agencies” as stated in the press release of RIIAL.

    Following the motto for the event: “Networking for a culture of communication”, inspired by Pope Francis, the purpose of the event is to identify “the digital services more needed for evangelization in our days”, and thus to “continue the many initiatives that the Church has been undertaking in this field.”

    Part of the work to be performed by the participants of this meeting will be to study and analysis the digital gap between the different Church communities, to foster the exchange of experiences and enable new strategies for building networks of communion.

    To this end, “actions items are going to be given who will respond to the needs of the digital culture and the design of combined activities to promote evangelization and the exchange of ideas to favour teamwork, besides finalizing technological solutions in the net that may be used by Church agencies in order to avoid isolation …” the press release states.

    The meeting is also organized by the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (PCCS) and the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM). More than 150 participants are expected and the venue will be the Retreat House Santa Rosa.

    With information from RIIAL Peru.

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