On the relationship between father and son: the Pope speaks


The Vatican (Wednesday, 02-04-2015, Gaudium Press) “The father should be close to his wife and share everything with her, the joys and sorrows, hopes as well as efforts and should be close to his children as they grow up:.. the father must be always present!” says Pope Francis at the general audience in the Paul VI Hall, on February 4. Seven thousand pilgrims gathered for this event.

Dear Brothers and Sisters: In our catechesis on the family, we have been reflecting on the dignity and role of fathers. The Book of Proverbs speaks of the joy and pride which fathers feel as they see their children mature in wisdom and rectitude (cf. Prov 23:15-16). These words sum up the demanding but indispensable role of fathers in the family and in society as a whole. A good father teaches his children by giving a daily example of love and integrity. He must first discipline his own heart in order to deal patiently with his children in their growth to maturity. In a society like our own, where father figures are often absent, it is essential for fathers to be present and fully engaged in the life of the family. Jesus points to God our Father as the model of all fatherhood. Like the father of the prodigal son, God waits patiently for his children to return home; with mercy and forgiveness he is always there to welcome them back whenever they stray. As Christian fathers strive, like Saint Joseph, to protect their children and to teach them wisdom, faith and integrity, may they always experience our gratitude, appreciation and support.

With information from v2.vatican.va

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