The Vatican (Monday, 06-01-2015, Gaudium Press) – During the Holy Trinity Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis explained to the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square that “the Trinity is … the mystery of the love of the living God. … Jesus revealed this mystery to us. And when, resurrected, he sent the disciples to evangelise the people, he told them to baptise them ‘in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'”.
“Therefore, today’s liturgical solemnity, while it makes us contemplate the wonderful mystery from which we come and to which we are going, also makes us renew our mission to live in communion with God and to live in communion with each other, based on the model of divine communion. We are required to live not without others, or above and against others, but with others, for others, and in others. This means welcoming and bearing witness to the beauty of the Gospel together. … In a word” added Francis, “we have been entrusted the task of building up the ecclesial community so that it is increasingly a family, able to reflect the splendour of the Trinity and to evangelise not only through words, but also with the strength of God’s love that abides in us”.
The Trinity is also “the final objective of our earthly pilgrimage. … Therefore, we seek to maintain the ‘high tone’ of our life, recalling the reason and the glory for which we exist, work, struggle and suffer; and the immense reward to which we are called”. The mystery of the Trinity “embraces all of our life and all our Christian being. We remember it, for example, every time we make the sign of the Cross: in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”, said the Holy Father, inviting the thousands of faithful present in St. Peter’s Square to make the sign of the Cross with him.
Then, on the final day of the month of May, he commended all those present to the Virgin Mary. “May She, who more than any other creature … knew the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, take us by the hand and guide us. … Let us also ask Her to help the Church, so that she might be a mystery of communion, a hospitable community where every person, especially the poor and marginalised, may find welcome and feel like a daughter of God, wanted and loved”.
After the Marian prayer, the Pope mentioned that today in Bayonne, France, the priest Louis-Edouard Cestac, co-founder of the Servants of Mary, was declared blessed. “His witness of love for God and neighbour inspires the Church to live the Gospel of charity with joy”.
Finally, he invited all those who meet in Rome on 4 June, festivity of Corpus Christi, to attend the Mass to be celebrated in the Basilica of St. John Lateran and to participate in the procession to the Basilica of St. Mary Major, “a solemn public act of faith and love for Jesus-Eucharist, present in the midst of His people”.
“Before coming to an end, let us once more make the sign of the Cross, saying aloud, as one, ‘In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit'”, recalling the mystery of the Holy Trinity”, he concluded.
Source: Vatican Information Service