ChatGPT: Progress or Regression?


ChatGPT has a gigantic database and is developed to build quick answers to the most diverse circumstances, from a dialogue with its owner, through the elaboration of entire speeches and essays until reaching the resolution of difficult University questionnaires.

Newsroom (11/02/2023 7:59 PM, Gaudium Press) — A device that elaborates your speech in seconds, a chip that makes items readily available and software that earns students excellent work effortlessly – wonders of progress! Or is it? Readers should already be aware of Microsoft’s last billionaire investment and the already famous – ChatGPT.

Based on an AI (artificial intelligence) system, this revolutionary device has proven to be capable of solving a common problem for countless men and women who are increasingly suffocated from activities and lacking in time. ChatGPT has a gigantic database and is developed to build quick answers to the most diverse circumstances, from a dialogue with its owner, through the elaboration of entire speeches and essays until reaching the resolution of difficult University questionnaires.

Perhaps to the surprise of many, its release was far from being welcomed everywhere. In many places, the appearance of the innovative device raises not a few fears. After all, progress of what? It would seem difficult to justify these fears when we are all more than used to innovation. Doesn’t criticizing ChatGPT sound like a critique of progress? Firstly, it is necessary to outline well what progress we are talking about. If it’s about the advancement of AI, then yes, ChatGPT proves to be an indisputable breakthrough. However, when it comes to analyzing the progress of humanity, the graph seems to be inverted. Is it progress for human beings to become so dependent on machines that, without them, they are incapable of writing a simple text? Do we understand progress as the mental laziness that inevitably stems from the disuse of these faculties, under the pretext of keeping up with the winds of innovation?

There are, however, even deeper reasons. “How can you not see the equalization of thought in the GPT Chat?” By adopting the use of a program like the GPT, we are exposing ourselves to be victims of a tyranny much more despotic than that of totalitarian regimes. Man has been fighting for a long time to assert himself as a free, independent being, capable of choosing and making decisions for himself. Well, can’t all this fall to the ground with the appearance of an AI like ChatGPT?

Let’s not be naive. An artificial intelligence is not capable of creating anything new. Machines, although with an efficiency and speed that leave many geniuses amazed, can only reproduce, process and search information stored in them. Now, the text, like a work of art, is an expression of the personality of its own author. The premises contained therein were chosen by the author. The development of the idea is the development of the author. The author’s conclusion…

So, how can ChatGPT not see the equalization of human thought? Deep down, the “slavery” to which a GPT user will be subject will not be to a machine, but to its programmer. If all goes that way, soon, we will be facing an oligarchic and totalitarian domain like never before in History. And for Catholics, the inconveniences of this new appearance are even more alarming. What belief does ChatGPT profess?

What will we say of the Commandments? If these will be the instruments that will educate our children, what ideas, what doctrines will they communicate to them? These and many other questions should, therefore, govern our choice of whether to adopt an innovation such as ChatGPT. After all, what good would it be to take the lead of presumed progress, if it distances us from our own humanity?


Compiled by Donna Smolders

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