Church officials evaluating a Denver Priest who Called for Disobedience on mask wearing


On a video posted on Youtube, Fr. Nolan asked those attending a catechism class: “do not obey the bishop, do not obey the governor. They cannot tell you to wear a mask.”

Newsroom (September 5, 2020 Gaudium Press) The case of Fr. Daniel Nolan is under review by both the Archdiocese of Denver, and the Priestly Franternity of St. Peter.

On a video posted on Youtube, Fr. Nolan was conducting a catechism at Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish in Littleton, Colorado. He told the audience, “do not obey the bishop, do not obey the governor. They cannot tell you to wear a mask. This is a lie. They are lying to all of us.”

“We ought to obey God rather than man. And if the bishop tells you to do something that is contrary to your health, contrary to reason, and contrary to the common good, disobey it. And it’s contrary to the common good to continue to go along with an attempted communist takeover of the United States, which is what’s happening.” the priest added in the video.

When asked in the video regarding obedience to local Church authorities, Fr. Nolan added: “disobey them all. At this point they have zero authority. These are cooperating in evil. Which is the suppression of the American people. Suppression of your rights, suppression of your liberties, suppression of common sense. The emperor has no clothes. If you are healthy you have a .006% chance of dying from COVID. The flu has a greater chance of killing you, if you’re healthy. So big time lies. This is not politics anymore, this is morality.”

The issue is under evaluation

Archdiocesan spokesman, Mark Haas told CNA, that the Archdiocese of Denver is looking into the matter, noting also that the video had been removed before it was fully reviewed.

“The Archdiocese of Denver’s guidelines for public Masses instruct all parishioners to wear a mask. All parishes are also expected to follow the varying local and state public health orders, ” he added. The state of Colorado requires that masks be worn until Sept. 14 in “public indoor spaces”.

Philip Condron, spokesman for the FSSP, told the CNA that the fraternity “will review this matter according to the Code of Canon Law and its own internal policies. The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter superiors have instructed their priests to adhere to public health guidelines as issued by local, state and federal authorities, including the requirements of their local ordinaries (bishops),” he remarked.

Parishioners report Fr. Nolan is well regarded in the community.

With information from CNA

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