Home Headlines Italy: How Most Main-Stream Press Missed 40,000 People at Pro-Life Demonstration

Italy: How Most Main-Stream Press Missed 40,000 People at Pro-Life Demonstration

Italy: How Most Main-Stream Press Missed 40,000 People at Pro-Life Demonstration

Last weekend, the march “Scegliamo la Vita – We choose life” gathered in Piazza San Giovanni, Rome.

Newsroom (May 25, 2023, 9:47 AM, Gaudium Press) “We choose life”: This was the motto of the pro-life march in Italy, which not only defended human life but also expressed a resounding “no” to gender ideology and the so-called “surrogate mother”, described as “slavery of the third millennium”.

This demonstration took place in Rome, the capital of the ancient world, attracting an immense crowd of 40,000 people. The demonstrators gathered in the expansive space of Piazza San Giovanni last Saturday, departing from Piazza della Repubblica.

At the starting point, two significant declarations of support for the event were announced: that of the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Lorenzo Fontana, who declared that there is a “commitment of politics and institutions to support the formation of new family nuclei; and that of Cardinal Zuppi, President of the Italian Episcopate, who invited people to say “always yes to life, from conception, held in the mother’s womb, to that which opens up to eternity, on the bed of a hospital”.

When the march arrived in San Giovanni, it was greeted by a rock band, who, despite singing “hymns to life”, sail on the murky and obscure sea of agitated rock (why not take the opportunity to educate young people about what music consists of?). Then, the participants heard the testimonies of three women who, despite having had an abortion or almost making the decision, reaffirmed that choosing life is always the best option.

One of the spokespersons for the event, Maria Rachele Riu, spoke later, saying that the state mainly offers abortion and few alternatives to continue with a pregnancy. “A society that offers nothing but condemning women to abortion is not civilized,” – she addded. 

The last speaker was Massimo Gandolfini, another spokesman for the demonstration, who struck a note of hope: “The dictatorship of the single thought and of relativism seems to triumph today, but let us not forget that the Truth can never be suppressed. In the end, Truth will always win. History teaches us that all ideologies that have gone against man – think of communism” and “Nazi-fascism – have collapsed.” Even “this gender ideology that wants to denature the human will certainly fall, but the truth needs prophets and apostles, and these prophets, these apostles, are you.”

The pro-life demonstration was quite an event. But if you check on Google, Scegliamo la Vita only appears in two mainstream media outlets and in one news agency that describes the event as being Church-related … Definitely, public opinion is one thing, and published opinion is quite another. (SCM)

With information from La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana


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