Home World Judge Barrett's Religion and Biden's Religion: Dark Glasses and Gold Glasses

Judge Barrett's Religion and Biden's Religion: Dark Glasses and Gold Glasses


The attacks on Judge Barrett’s Catholic faith may be a dangerous gamble for Democratic aspirations.

Judge Barrett with her husband, Jesse
Judge Barrett with her husband, Jesse – Source: Wikipedia CC BY-SA 4.0

Newsroom (September 30, 2020 8:00pm Gaudium Press) Who would have thought that in this tumultuous end of an era, religion would be a decisive factor in leading the most powerful country on earth?

Biden or why it is not bad to be of faith to govern the USA

William McGurn, a member of the Wall Street Journal’s editorial team, highlights that in this election the Democratic advertising machine has worked hard to tell the American people what a good Catholic Joe Biden is.

The machine emphasizes his great faith and the significance that faith has in the life of the former vice president. It makes no exception to having a person of faith lead the nation, but on the contrary, it affirms that it is good to have a religious person in an office of such magnitude.

This position of the Democratic voices, not taken by chance but supported by opinion polls, indirectly shows us the mood of American society: faith continues to be a central issue in its personal and social life. Even on this topic there seems to have been a change for the better; for as McGurn recalls in his article, eight years ago delegates to the Democratic convention booed God under the spotlight from across the country. Today they would not take any chances: it could be crucial to their candidate’s aspirations.

But the opinion of Democratic officials would have far less resonance if it were not welcomed by the mainstream media, which by now seems to have become religion-friendly. (Really?)

Well, not so much. At least for we can gather from the way it has reported  Amy Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

Read also: Judge Barrett: the next iconic figure of the American woman?

Some have spoken of Judge Barrett – and with the echo of the mainstream media – as having a “Christofascist” religious outlook; referring to her and her husband as “white settlers” for adopting Haitian children; no less than a “radical,” “ultra-everything,” and more. For that reason, those who did not know her and arrived somewhat forewarned at her acceptance of the nomination were surprised to find a woman of character: an elegant woman, very sure of her legal knowledge, as well as a dedicated mother, a generous wife who is grateful to God for her husband. Someone likeable and humble, who has demonstrated how, through effort and tenacity, she has deservedly achieved success in her career while raising a large family.

Democratic hypocrisy?

Is this bias only media-driven, or is there is also a bit of hypocrisy in the Democratic campaign, which is now drumming up support for its candidate’s faith?

McGurn hints at this in his column when he recalls that at Barrett’s ratification as a District Court of Appeals judge, two Democratic senators asked her a question and made a statement expressing their concern with the faith of today’s virtual supreme judge.

In fact, Senator Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, asked her: “Do you consider yourself an orthodox Catholic? While Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-California, was more explicit in her words: “The dogma lives loudly in you”

As the dichotomy has been pointed out, Judge Barrett’s Democrat attackers have a nice issue to contend with:  to prevent her ratification, they need to expose her religious faith as they did in the past. This may backfire,  showing that their praise of Biden’s faith is no more than a publicity stunt. And that could be very damaging to the whole Democratic campaign.

These issues are likely to come up during the first presidential debate, which will take place tonight. (Gaudium Press / Saúl Castiblanco)   


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