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The Weekly Round Up

The weekly roundup

In today’s round up, we cover the news we missed from the 25th to the end of July

  • In a July 26 message to U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, Pope Francis called for a “new mindset” in the battle against malnutrition.“We produce enough food for all people, but many go without their daily bread. This ‘constitutes a real scandal,’ a crime that violates basic human rights,” he said, quoting from his 2020 encyclical Fratelli tutti. “Therefore, it is everyone’s duty to eradicate this injustice through concrete actions and good practices, and through bold local and international policies.”
  • The Archbishop of Piura on Tuesday encouraged working for unity in Peru and reminded the faithful that neither hatred nor violence are the way to the future, as the nation celebrates its bicentennial.”Without denying the seriousness of many problems and the injustice of many situations, it is essential to proclaim that hatred and violence are never the way,” Archbishop José Antonio Eguren Anselmi preached July 27 during a Mass celebrated for the Peruvian bicentennial at the Piura cathedral. Peru declared its independence from Spain July 28, 1821.
  • A Vatican spokesman confirmed Wednesday that the fifth bishop to be created under the 2018 Vatican-China deal has been ordained.Anthony Li Hui was appointed coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of Pingliang by Pope Francis on Jan. 11, according to spokesman Matteo Bruni.Bruni said that Bishop Li was ordained in the Cathedral of Pingliang, in the province of Gansu, on July 28. Pingliang, in north-central China, has a wider metropolitan population of more than two million people.
  • Mother Mary Paschal has been elected the newest abbess of Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Hanceville, Alabama, filling the role once held by EWTN foundress Mother Angelica. Alongside the new abbess, Sister Mary Jacinta was elected vicar and three other nuns were elected councilors on July 29. Bishop Steven Raica of Birmingham was present to witness the election. “It is with overwhelming gratitude to Our Eucharistic Lord for His great goodness, and to you who have assisted us in countless ways these past years, that we ask for your continued prayers,” the monastery said in the announcement of Mother Mary Paschal’s election. “Please pray for each of us at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery, that the Holy Spirit may overshadow and guide us as we begin this new chapter and continue anew in this venture of faith and adoration.”
  • The Catholic Bishops of Colombia support the “cry for peace, life and respect for the human dignity of so many of our brothers and sisters”, declared the Episcopal Conference of Colombia, expressing its support and solidarity with the bishop of Buenaventura, Monsignor Rubén Darío Jaramillo Montoya, who this week lived the “Day of Life”, through religious, cultural and reflection events, the culmination of which ended on July 30 with a march to repudiate violence. Through this initiative, the Diocese of Buenaventura wanted to join the cry of its inhabitants to once again ask for peace and reconciliation for this region plagued by violence and inequalities. “We cannot remain silent”, said Monsignor Jaramillo Montoya, in a video message, explaining that this day was called because during the first 20 days of July, there were 24 murders, as well as extortion, theft, disappearances and kidnappings that continue.


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