Home Middle East World’s Largest Rosary is Built in Lebanon

World’s Largest Rosary is Built in Lebanon

World’s Largest Rosary is Built in Lebanon
Photo: Facebook/Rosary of Lebanon.

The construction, already in its final stages, will be 600 metres long and have 59 chapels, each five metres long by 3.5 metres wide.

Newsdesk (17/07/2022 10:25 AM, Gaudium Press) A 600-metre-long Rosary is in the final stages of construction in Lebanon. Located between the cities of Deir El Ahmar and Beshouat in the Bekaa region, this is already considered the largest Rosary in the world.

Each of the 59 beads of this immense Rosary are actually chapels, five metres long by 3.5 metres wide, which the faithful will be able to walk through while reciting the Marian prayer.

Illuminated Rosary

Once the work is completed, the largest Rosary in the world, with the six Our Fathers and 53 Hail Marys of the Rosary, will be illuminated during the night, making it visible from Heaven. This great Rosary was built about thirty kilometres from Syria.

The construction will lead the pilgrims to the Cross of the Resurrection and to a large auditorium destined to hold celebrations. Below the Cross there will be a chapel dedicated to prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

History of the largest Rosary in the world

The idea of building a Rosary of such proportions came from a young Lebanese man who in 2006 was arrested by mistake while on pilgrimage in Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

As he asked Our Lady to intercede for his release, he felt inspired to create a Marian shrine. Upon his release, he gathered funds to get the project off the ground. In 2008, construction began on land belonging to the Lebanese Maronite order.

Catholic Church in Lebanon

According to official statistics released by the Vatican, the Catholic Church in Lebanon is made up of ten dioceses with more than 800 parishes, as well as seven other jurisdictions in the Middle East. As of the end of 2006, there were 1,413,652 Maronite Catholics in the country. (EPC)

Compiled by Roberta MacEwan


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